
Freitag, 28. Februar 2020

Special Prophetic Release on the Coronavirus engl./deutsch

A Word by February 28, 2020 Doug Addison

We have been under attack globally with the coronavirus. I have been waiting on the Lord and praying daily over this. On February 25, the Lord showed me the root of the attack and a prayer strategy to break it.

Why global?

… When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19 NKJV
The global attack of the coronavirus is against the global outpouring that is coming to the Earth. Many of the prophets have been releasing prophetic words about a coming global move of God—revival. This is a direct attack against revival.

Understanding 3-cord attacks

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 NIV
There is power when we agree together in prayer! As Jesus said, if you agree together, it will be done. This is a biblical principle that Satan is using against us. He often uses things from the Bible and distorts or counterfeits it. We have been seeing 3-cord attacks of the enemy that have been more difficult to break—until you recognize them.
Once you recognize the 3-cord attack, you can bind and break its combined attack. If you try to break the individual demons, they will not usually go because they have a 3-cord agreement that requires a new strategy.
Jesus said, “… whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18 NIV

3-cord attack against revival

The coronavirus is a global attack against revival. The Lord showed me the source of the attack:
Do not rejoice, all you Philistines, that the rod that struck you is broken; from the root of that snake will spring up a viper, its fruit will be a darting, venomous serpent.
Isaiah 14:29 NIV
This 3-cord global attack (of the coronavirus) is against the global outpouring the Lord is bringing:
  • Snake: Deception
  • Viper: Religious Spirit (Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers)
  • Venomous Serpent: Coronavirus

How to break it

Here is the prayer strategy the Lord showed me so you can pray this in agreement. Since it is a global attack, it would be good to get as many people praying this as we can.


Lord, we bind the Snake of Deception, the Viper of the Religious Spirit and the Venomous Serpent of the Coronavirus. We break its global unholy alliance, the 3-cord attack to stop the global outpouring of revival.
Lord, we ask that You cast out the attack of the Snake of Deception, the Viper of the Religious Spirit and the Venomous Serpent of the Coronavirus.
We ask that You release a stop of the global epidemic. We ask for healing of those affected. We proclaim full authority over this virus and any associated attacks of illness and death.
And just as in Isaiah 14:29—the rod that struck you is broken—Satan has struck the Earth with the rod of the coronavirus. We ask, Lord, that You would break the rod of this attack and bring the global outpouring and revival.
We decree Psalm 91:7, A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
In Jesus’ Name
The best way to respond is to not be in fear. Be wise and continue to pray and cry out to the Lord for His will to be done.
Doug Addison
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Watch his video with a special prophetic release about the coronavirus by clicking here.


Wir sind weltweit mit dem Coronavirus angegriffen worden. Ich habe auf den Herrn gewartet und täglich dafür gebetet. Am 25. Februar zeigte mir der Herr die Wurzel des Angriffs und eine Gebetsstrategie, um ihn zu brechen.

Warum global?
... Wenn der Feind wie eine Flut hereinströmt, wird der Geist des Herrn eine Fahne gegen ihn erheben. Jesaja 59:19 NKJV

Der globale Angriff des Coronavirus richtet sich gegen die globale Ausströmung, die auf die Erde kommt. Viele der Propheten haben prophetische Worte über eine kommende globale Bewegung der Gotteser-weckung veröffentlicht. Dies ist ein direkter Angriff gegen die Erweckung.

3-Schnur-Angriffe verstehen
Auch wenn einer überwältigt wird, können sich zwei verteidigen. Eine Schnur aus drei Strängen ist nicht schnell gerissen. Prediger 4:12 NIV

Es gibt Macht, wenn wir uns im Gebet gemeinsam verständigen! Wie Jesus sagte, wenn man sich gemeinsam einigt, wird es geschehen. Dies ist ein biblisches Prinzip, das Satan gegen uns verwendet. Er benutzt oft Dinge aus der Bibel und verzerrt oder fälscht sie. Wir haben 3-Schnur-Angriffe des Feindes gesehen, die schwieriger zu durchbrechen sind - bis man sie erkennt.

Sobald Sie den 3-Schnur-Angriff erkannt haben, können Sie den kombinierten Angriff binden und brechen. Wenn Sie versuchen, die einzelnen Dämonen zu brechen, werden sie in der Regel nicht gehen, weil sie eine 3-Schnur-Vereinbarung haben, die eine neue Strategie erfordert.

Jesus sagte: "... was immer Sie auf der Erde binden, wird im Himmel gebunden sein, und was immer Sie auf der Erde lösen, wird im Himmel gelöst sein. Matthäus 18:18 NIV

3-Schnur-Angriff gegen Wiederbelebung
Das Coronavirus ist ein globaler Angriff gegen die Erweckung. Der Herr hat mir die Quelle des Angriffs gezeigt:

Freut euch nicht, ihr Philister, dass die Rute, die euch getroffen hat, zerbrochen ist; aus der Wurzel dieser Schlange wird eine Viper entspringen, ihre Frucht wird eine huschende, giftige Schlange sein.

Jesaja 14:29 NIV

Dieser globale 3-Schnur-Angriff (des Coronavirus) richtet sich gegen die globale Ausgießung, die der Herr bringt:

Die Schlange: Täuschung
Viper: Religiöser Geist (Jesus nannte die Pharisäer eine Schlangenbrut)
Giftschlange: Coronavirus
Wie man sie brechen kann
Hier ist die Gebetsstrategie, die der Herr mir gezeigt hat, damit Sie in Übereinstimmung damit beten können. Da es sich um einen globalen Angriff handelt, wäre es gut, so viele Menschen dazu zu bringen, dies zu beten, wie wir können.

Herr, wir binden die Schlange der Täuschung, die Viper des religiösen Geistes und die Giftschlange des Coronavirus. Wir brechen ihre globale unheilige Allianz, den 3-Schnur-Angriff, um die globale Ausgießung der Erweckung zu stoppen.

Herr, wir bitten Dich, dass Du den Angriff der Schlange der Täuschung, der Viper des Religiösen Geistes und der Giftschlange des Coronavirus austreibst.

Wir bitten Dich, dass Du einen Stopp der globalen Epidemie auslöst. Wir bitten um die Heilung der Betroffenen. Wir verkünden die volle Autorität über dieses Virus und alle damit verbundenen Angriffe von Krankheit und Tod.

Und wie in Jesaja 14,29 der Stab, der Sie getroffen hat, zerbrochen ist - Satan hat die Erde mit dem Stab des Coronavirus geschlagen. Wir bitten Dich, Herr, dass Du die Rute dieses Angriffs zerbrichst und die weltweite Ausgießung und Erweckung bringst.

Wir verordnen Psalm 91,7: "Tausend mögen fallen zu deiner Seite, zehntausend zu deiner Rechten, aber es wird nicht zu dir kommen.

Im Namen Jesu

Der beste Weg, darauf zu reagieren, ist, keine Angst zu haben. Seien Sie weise und beten Sie weiter und rufen Sie den Herrn an, dass Sein Wille getan wird.


Doug Addison

Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Samstag, 22. Februar 2020

2/22/2020 - Prophetic Numbers...and so much more

"Chiefs Win! A Stunning Prophetic Message"Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN

The Kansas City Chiefs 31-20 Super Bowl victory is full of amazing prophetic messages for us. Every name, number, date, and time has something to add. I will not go through them all because sometimes more is not better but can diminish attention on main things that the Lord would have us focus on. The main message is clear: we have entered into a new day for the Kingdom of God and its advancement on planet Earth. The next to be promoted and advanced are those who understand His narrative for the nations themselves. 
Kansas City Chiefs Defeat San Francisco 49ers 31-20: Jubilee Teams and Jubilee Time
It was and is a good sign that both these teams were in the Super Bowl. It's an accomplishment of note even by the losing team. Both speak into a JUBILEE time of prosperity. This was also part of the prophetic message from LSU winning the College Football National Championship, as they were led by player of the year, Joseph Burrow (a Joseph prosperity call). The 49ers refer to the gold rush in California, and biblical Jubilee actually had a 49th year and 50th year component. It was repeatedly noted that Kansas City's last Super Bowl win was 50 years ago. So, 49 and 50 were both highlighted, but the 50 wins. That is a good thing as well; it confirms that it's not almost Jubilee, but presently yet another full Jubilee.
This is quite evident in how our nation's economy is currently doing, but it is to confirm we are not going to retreat from that in 2020. I have already seen an upcoming 35,000 on the Stock Market at some point, and long-term, the worldwide economic upgrade will be significant. The coming economic shifts will be staggering and unprecedented. The world has lived essentially under lack and in survival mode. The world will begin to learn to live in general prosperity. There is a test of lack, and an entirely new thing is the test of abundance.
Lucifer failed the test of abundance. God does not really have a person or a people He can trust until they have passed the test of abundance. It tests a spirit in an entirely different way, but it's more revealing of who a person is. The world's wealthy, under some definition, are essentially 5%. As this extended Jubilee grows into a Jubilee Age, we will see the wealthy suddenly become 15% and then 25% and then 50% and then 70%. This is the reality for all sheep nations, and there will be 153 of them. It not going higher than 70% is indicative of nations that remain goat nations, and the fact that Jesus said, "The poor you always have with you."
Remember this is 2020, and 2 Chronicles 20:20 speaks of hearkening to His prophets and you will prosper. I am giving you the prophetic decree—the test of prosperity is progressively what is next. It will be many decades before it finishes maturing. For those wanting things to fall apart so Jesus can come—deal with it, this is next.
The 22, 222, 2222's (Isaiah 2:2, Acts 2:2, Isaiah 22:22) Trump, the Holy Spirit and Reformation
The Chiefs won on 2/2 of 2020. It was coach Andy Reid's 222nd victory. I was in LA last weekend and as I was coming in, I was getting some pretty strong clues from Heaven that the Super Bowl signified an important shift, and that Kansas City was going to win. My flight coming in was #2222. My car rental ended in 220. I had about 3 other strong 222's. The repeat patterns are to draw our attention to a message.
Isaiah 2:2 NASB (emphasis mine) says, "Now it will come about in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the CHIEF of the mountains...and all nations will stream to it."
Acts 2:2 (emphasis mine) says, "Suddenly, there was a sound from Heaven like the ROARING of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting."
Isaiah 22:22 NLT (emphasis mine) says, "I will give him the key to the house of David—the HIGHEST POSITION in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them."
These Scriptures are all powerful and most relevant for this time. Isaiah 2:2 is my original foundational word for everything to do with the 7 Mountain message, as well as my initial Seven Mountain Prophecy book. It is about a time ("last days" go on for a very long time) when not just individuals get saved, but entire nations seek for solutions from the activated reformers from the house of the Lord. It is something that can be called "revival" but it is much greater.
We have never seen reformation and transformation like that which is coming, and so for lack of example, we call everything "revival." The upgrade is mainly important so that we don't settle for less than what He is doing. For the house of the Lord to be established as CHIEF of all mountains, we have to finally value being salt and light on the 7 Mountains.
Acts 2:2 will have many manifestations beginning immediately. This is what birthed the New Testament Church back then and what is now birthing us into the Kingdom Age of our day. My prophetic word for this year was titled: "A Year of Roaring Justice and Raging Hope." The mighty wind ROARING in at this time is not just so we can have good church meetings; it is also here to address the justice matters that revived reformers know must be addressed. Great hope (expectation of good) will be its result.
Isaiah 22:22 talks of a key that opens and closes and is connected to the HIGHEST POSITION. This all connects to what God is doing through how He is using President Donald Trump. It is no coincidence that he is commander in chief. His name, Donald, essential means "chief ruler."
I am still shocked at the Believers who can't discern that Trump is God-sent. It was understandable at first, as he came in disguised, but now with what his stands and legislation have proven over and over about himself, it is indisputably obvious that Trump is advancing a Kingdom agenda. It is even more obvious that those in high places who oppose him are anti-Kingdom of God.
The only reasonable explanation for good people not recognizing President Trump as the most strategic, human kingdom asset in generations is brain washing and mind control. Your mind has been pickled through overexposure to a dark-agenda, narrative assault, which deceives you into thinking YOU are the one seeing clearly. Any time you may have judged this president for "meanness" and peccadillos that preceded when he came to the Lord or the presidency, while ignoring that he is the most pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-religious freedom, pro-poor, pro-enslaved by human trafficking president in history—then you know that this is mind control stuff. Come on, snap out of it! Yes, some Trump supporters are almost cultic in their affection for him, but you may be under an occult-like spell to not see he is a gift from God to this nation and the nations. 
The Chiefs win is to let you know that the commander in chief is going to keep winning in 2020. Of course, God is our ultimate Commander in Chief, but to not recognize when He sends and activates a key Kingdom asset is offensive to Him. He verbally chastised Israel for not recognizing when He sent (imperfect) prophets, and it has never been a small deal to refuse His messengers/prophets/kings.
Let me make this 20/20 vision clear: God loves you unconditionally, but you are displeasing Him if you are not recognizing His intentionality with putting Donald J. Trump as your president. God has been displeased with both Republicans and Democrats, so don't think this is political at all.
In fact, I think President Trump will one day tell us he strongly considered running as a Democrat. If the Democrats hadn't veered so radically to the left, he really might have. Now get ready though, Trump is going to get his Acts 2:2 visitation—and he is going to get louder. The Holy Spirit has a roar too—especially when defending the defenseless.
Kansas City 31 and Proverbs 31
The winning score being 31 is no accident. Proverbs 31 is the famous chapter on "the virtuous woman." The whole chapter is worth going over in detail, thinking of "the virtuous woman" being Christ's Bride here on Earth. The word "virtuous" in verse 10 is a Hebrew word "chayil" which means "strength, might, efficiency, wealth, army, force, power, riches, substance." Put all those words together and that is the "score" that is required to defeat the enemy. Put arise and shine into all of that.
Remember the halftime 10-10 stalemate? That is where many of us have been. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes not but to steal and destroy," but then, "I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Remember the Chiefs couldn't get past 10 until the last half of the last quarter? Well, the new 31 score is now declared over your life, and with it comes the new responsibilities.
Verses 8-9 of Proverbs 31 say, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ENSURE JUSTICE for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get JUSTICE" (emphasis mine). A "justice" focus always goes beyond traditional "revival." You want to "score" enough to be on the winning side? Embrace reformation and the 7 Mountain assignments. 
2020 Election Can Go 3 Ways: Vote, Pray, Love
The final score was 31-20. Proverbs 31:20: "She extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy." Love in action on the 7 Mountains is what is required to post a winning "score."
I was given a shocking set of numbers from the Lord as it relates to the coming 2020 Presidential Election. Do what you want with them:
I heard that President Trump could win either with 51%, 57%, or 71% of the vote, with a corresponding 32%, 37%, or 48% of the vote. If God's people prioritized voting he could win with 51%—if we added the priority of praying, he could go to 57%—if we would truly love we could see a 71% win. This last one is the one we are least committed to but could do the most. It was specifically loving across racial lines and not just loving those like yourself.
Part of the reason much of the Black community and the Latino community have traditionally rejected the Republican Party is that they have never felt the love. White Republicans have traditionally thought it enough to be "pro-life," and that is the highest ground possible. It is not good enough. If we don't reach across racial lines and seek to hear first before speaking, we will have another squeaker election. It wouldn't hurt us to be at the forefront of championing justice issues that they face. A virtuous Proverbs 31 Church would do that. 
"All Her Household are Clothed in Red"
Proverbs 31: 21 says of the virtuous woman that "all her household are clothed in scarlet (red)." Red has been the key color I have spoken of for some time. It was obviously the Chiefs' color. LSU was from Baton Rouge, meaning "red pole." Justify the horse won the Triple Crown carrying red as its dominant color (it has been over and over). Yes, the Republican color is red, but all the red is not really about the Republican Party. It's about the Blood of Jesus setting the agenda for everything presently transpiring on planet Earth.
Proverbs 31:23: "Her husband is well known at the city gates, where he sits with the other civic leaders." If we understand that our husband is Jesus it yet again confirms the reformation call. The New Testament word for Church, EKKLESIA, was not a religious word. It was essentially civic leaders serving on the 7 Mountains or at "city gates." This is where He builds His Church. "I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" (Mat.16:18).
Final Proverbs 31 Passage Is 31:31:
"REWARD her for all she has done. Let her deeds PUBLICLY declare her praise." (emphasis mine)
The winning score so that the mountain of the house of the Lord can be CHIEF is 31. Prosperity and rewards are prepared for us, but He wants our activity to stretch beyond private life or church life. Reformation is about the Kingdom going PUBLIC. "Let your light shine BEFORE MEN, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven" (Mt. 5:16, emphasis mine).
Bob Jones and Kansas City
Many have already noted a prophetic word Bob Jones gave repeatedly years ago—that when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl, it will be a sign of something really good. Some remember that it was "revival." Some remember it including "apostolic chiefs" from the Body of Christ that would rise (which, if understood correctly, is what I am saying. True apostolicity always goes beyond the church world). Others remember it also being about a better day of destiny for Kansas City. I like all the above.
I have seen several posts which state that Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, and Paul Cain were all buried on 2/22 (same numbers as Coach Reid). If this is true, I agree it's an added message to us. One way or the other I want to speak into the Kansas City and prophets angle of it all, as I believe it's very important.
The fact that Bob Jones is being greatly remembered at this time is very significant. He was the prophet that reminded us repeatedly, especially over his last years, that it was all about growing in love. He told us how that was the one question he was asked when he died in the 70s and went to Heaven: "Did you learn to love?" This is still the key message for us all, and you will note how I tied that into a big election win versus a small election win.
Yes, vote, yes, pray, but loving, especially those not like you, is the harder but greater thing. Voting and praying can both be self-righteous acts, but loving is not. Any "revival" that doesn't foment love is not a very good one. More than traditional revival, we need a baptism in fire that leads to a love revolution. May this "revival" in fact be a "lov-a-lution."
Kansas City: Intersection of Isaiah 35 and Psalms 67
Kansas City, as a city, is also important and very strategic for Kingdom purposes at this time. I noted in August 2017, when we had the total solar eclipse over the United States, that the only city which was simultaneously in the 67-mile-wide path of totality, and intersected with I-35, was metro Kansas City. I shared how that 67-mile-wide path across the whole nation, including through 7 Salems (peace and prosperity), was a path for open heavens in the prophetic.
It started in Oregon, right by the Elijah List headquarters, and went through key prophetic cities such as Omaha, Kansas City, Nashville, and ending in Charleston, South Carolina. Isaiah 35 speaks of a "highway of holiness" and Psalms 67 speaks of a God who has been merciful to us and His face has shined on us—and HIS WAYS are known in the earth. Reformation is about His ways being known.
The fruit of these two chapters will now explode over Kansas City as never before. It will be a Kingdom outpost for the prophetic, for intimacy with God, and a planning and sending outpost for reformers. Shiloh, IHOP, and YWAM were to respectively and locally birth these streams, but they must all now meld in function and advance. Kansas City is at the very heart of our nation and God is now unclogging the arteries and gracing Kansas City to be a very vivid and visual display of a Proverbs 31 city. That blood is to be pumped to the whole nation and the whole Body.
Final Words
There is so much more to say through all of this, but it could be an overload. The Chiefs won on the 33rd day of the year with 333 days remaining's LEAP YEAR. When Jesus was 33 is when Acts 2 took place and the Holy Spirit invaded. Jeremiah 33:3 says to "Call Me" and I will "show you things you know not." 
LIV was the logo that also tells us in roman numerals it was Super Bowl 54. Isaiah 54 starts with "Sing oh barren sing," because fruitfulness is coming. The LIV also says LIVE—this is a time to contend for LIFE everywhere.
Star Quarterback/MVP Pat Mahomes is 24 years old, and this connects to Psalm 24, which I recently shared regarding #24 Kobe Bryant. Ancient doors are opening, and the King of Glory is coming in. Pat is also the only person ever to throw for 50 touchdowns in a season in both the NFL and in college. He also did it in high school. Again, 50 is the number of Jubilee, but also the number of days they waited in the Upper Room. Pentecost means 50 days. 
I have not covered the Hunt family who owns the Chiefs and who honor Jesus above everything. The halftime show was to remind us of the work ahead and why we can't just have our light in church. We can become the sponsors that make sure a better product is out there, or we can constantly complain about who has enough money to sponsor. Darkness will always prevail where light refuses to show up. It is now time for Isaiah 2:2—let's arise with His light in every area of society.
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.

Dienstag, 4. Februar 2020

"In the Next 30-60 Days, Enter in With Boldness!" engl./deutsch

A Pivotal Time
Many have asked me coming into the year 2020, what the Lord was saying about this new year. I did not immediately feel led to release what I had seen, because I felt like there was a piece missing somehow. A couple of days ago, the Lord gave me the missing piece.
First of all, the Lord told me that the next 30-60 days are going to be pivotal in seeing the hand of God move in our circumstances. We need to be speaking, praying and believing in agreement with the word of God concerning those things we have laid before Him.
No more entertaining the voice of the enemy no matter who he speaks through! We cannot afford to be double-minded about what we believe if we are to possess our inheritance.
When the spies went in to survey the Promised Land, only Joshua and Caleb brought back a good report, and they were the only two who also entered in. There have been many who have received powerful prophetic words coming into this year and we need to believe and act on that report.
"This is what they reported to Moses: 'We went to the land where you sent us. It really is a land flowing with milk and honey. Here's some of its fruit. But the people who live there are strong, and the cities have walls and are very large. We even saw the descendants of Anak there. The Amalekites live in the Negev. The Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the mountain region. And the Canaanites live along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and all along the Jordan River.'
"Caleb told the people to be quiet and listen to Moses. Caleb said, 'Let's go now and take possession of the land. We should be more than able to conquer it.'
"But the men who had gone with him said, 'We can't attack those people! They're too strong for us!' So they began to spread lies among the Israelites about the land they had explored. They said, 'The land we explored is one that devours those who live there. All the people we saw there are very tall. We saw Nephilim there. (The descendants of Anak are Nephilim.) We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that's how we must have looked to them.'" (Numbers 13:27-33 GW)
Believe and Keep the Word of the Lord
The Lord told me these next 30-60 days to believe and keep the word of the Lord in our mouths, not giving place to doubt and unbelief.
"So they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wilderness of Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, 'Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.'" (2 Chronicles 02:20 NKJV)
I have been given some powerful prophetic words, and do you know which ones I have seen come to pass? The ones I believed. God will confirm His word to you, so look for it to happen. He doesn't want you to miss it!
Many people have been waiting years for the breakthrough that is at the door. This is not the time to grow weary.
God Will Strengthen You
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah." (Psalms 46:1-3 NKJV)
This is a time of strengthening and empowerment. When I asked the Lord about the significance of the next two months, He corrected me, "Not two months but 30-60 days." Why Lord?
The Lord said that "30 to 60" was representative of the provision and increase that would be given and He gave me this verse: "But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty" (Matthew 13:8 NKJV).
The Piece That Was Missing
These past few years, the Lord showed me that many of you have been blessed with what seems to be a "mixed" blessing. In other words, it appeared as though the Lord has blessed you with opportunities and open doors, but they had difficult things attached to them.
There were misunderstandings and issues with dishonor and questions concerning whether these were divine connections or not. We know the Lord gives increase without sorrow so these things have caused many to question, "Is this really God?"
"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." (Proverbs 10:22 NKJV)
The Lord spoke to me about this issue and told me, "Yes, this is really Me. I have been strengthening My servants and giving them a greater level of discernment so that they can walk with a surety and a boldness that they have not yet carried. The blessings and open doors of the past have also been a time of preparation."
"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion." (Proverbs 28:1 NKJV)
The blessings and open doors in this next season will be much greater than in the past and all the sweeter, for we will have wisdom as we encounter them.
This was the instruction the Lord gave to me, and He also reminded me that we move from glory to glory. It's His word. Look for it to come to pass.
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." (2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV)
Michael Van VlymenRiver of Blessings International Ministries
Michael Van Vlymen is an author and speaker who teaches about the supernatural things of God. It's Michael's passion to share that everyone can learn to see in the spirit realm and walk in the supernatural. Michael travels the world sharing and teaching the revelation God has given him and equipping Believers to fulfill their destiny in Christ. Michael is the author of several books including "How to See in the Spirit" a best-seller on the subject of spiritual sight.

Eine entscheidende Zeit (als Drehpunkt dienend)

Viele haben mich im Jahr 2020 gefragt, was der Herr über dieses neue Jahr gesagt hat. Ich fühlte mich nicht sofort dazu veranlasst, das Gesehene zu veröffentlichen, weil ich das Gefühl hatte, dass irgendwie ein Stück fehlte. Vor ein paar Tagen gab mir der Herr das fehlende Stück.

Zunächst einmal sagte mir der Herr, dass die nächsten 30 bis 60 Tage entscheidend dafür sein werden, dass sich die Hand Gottes in unserer Situation bewegt. Wir müssen in Übereinstimmung mit dem Wort Gottes sprechen, beten und glauben, was die Dinge betrifft, die wir vor Ihn gelegt haben.

Wir dürfen die Stimme des Feindes nicht mehr einladen, egal durch wen oder was er spricht! Wir können es uns nicht leisten, bei dem, was wir glauben, zweifelhaft zu sein, wenn wir unser Erbe besitzen wollen.

Als die Spione das Gelobte Land auskundschaften wollten, brachten nur Josua und Kaleb einen guten Bericht zurück, und sie waren die einzigen beiden, die auch hineinkamen. Es gibt viele, die  mächtige prophetische Worte erhalten haben, die in diesem Jahr erfüllt werden sollen, und wir müssen an diesen Bericht glauben und danach handeln.

Sie berichteten Moses: "Wir gingen in das Land, in das du uns gesandt hast. Es ist wirklich ein Land, in dem Milch und Honig fließen. Hier sind einige seiner Früchte. Aber die Menschen, die dort leben, sind stark, und die Städte haben Mauern und sind sehr groß. Wir haben dort sogar die Nachkommen von Anak gesehen. Die Amalekiter leben in der Negev. Die Hethiter, Jebusiter und Amoriter leben in der Bergregion. Und die Kanaaniter leben an der Mittelmeerküste und am ganzen Jordan".

Kaleb sagte dem Volk, es solle still sein und auf Mose hören. Kaleb sagte: "Lasst uns jetzt gehen und das Land in Besitz nehmen. Wir sollten mehr als fähig sein, es zu erobern."

Aber die Männer, die mit ihm gegangen waren, sagten: "Wir können dieses Volk nicht angreifen! Sie sind zu stark für uns!" So begannen sie unter den Israeliten Lügen über das Land, das sie erforscht hatten, zu verbreiten. Sie sagten: "Das Land, das wir erforscht haben, ist ein Land, das die Menschen verschlingt, die dort leben. Alle Menschen, die wir dort gesehen haben, sind sehr groß. Wir haben dort Nephilim gesehen. (Die Nachkommen von Anak sind Nephilim.) Wir fühlten uns so klein wie Heuschrecken, und so müssen wir auf sie geschaut haben." (4. Mose 13:27-33 GW)

Das Wort des Herrn glauben und es behalten

Der Herr sagte mir, dass wir in den nächsten 30 bis 60 Tagen das Wort des Herrn glauben und in unserem Mund behalten sollen, ohne dass wir Zweifel und Unglauben Platz machen.

Und sie standen früh am Morgen auf und gingen hinaus in die Wüste von Tekoa; und als sie hinausgingen, stand Joschafat auf und sagte: "Hört mich an, oh Juda und ihr Einwohner von Jerusalem: Glaubt an den Herrn, euren Gott, und ihr werdet gegründet werden; glaubt seinen Propheten, und ihr werdet Erfolg haben." (2 Chroniken 02:20 NKJV)

Mir wurden einige starke prophetische Worte gegeben, und wissen Sie, welche ich gesehen habe, dass sie sich bewahrheiten? Diejenigen, die ich geglaubt habe. Gott wird Ihnen sein Wort bestätigen, also warten Sie darauf, dass es geschieht. Er will nicht, dass Sie es verpassen!

Viele Menschen haben Jahre auf den Durchbruch gewartet, der vor der Tür steht. Dies ist nicht die Zeit, um müde zu werden.

Gott wird Sie stärken.

"Gott ist unsere Zuflucht und Stärke, eine sehr gegenwärtige Hilfe in der Not. Darum werden wir uns nicht fürchten, auch wenn die Erde entfernt wird und die Berge in die Mitte des Meeres getragen werden, auch wenn seine Wasser tosen und beunruhigt werden, auch wenn die Berge durch ihre Schwellung zittern. Selah". (Psalmen 46:1-3 NKJV)

Dies ist eine Zeit der Stärkung und der Handlungsfähigkeit. Als ich den Herrn nach der Bedeutung der nächsten zwei Monate fragte, korrigierte er mich: "Nicht zwei Monate, sondern 30-60 Tage". Warum Herr?

Der Herr sagte, dass "30 bis 60" repräsentativ für die Bereitstellung und Vermehrung/Zunahme/Anstieg sei, die gegeben werden würde, und Er gab mir diesen Vers: "Andere aber fielen auf guten Boden und brachten eine Ernte ein: einige hundertfach, einige sechzigfach, einige dreißigfach" (Matthäus 13,8 NKJV).

Das Stück, das fehlte

In den letzten Jahren hat mir der Herr gezeigt, dass viele von Ihnen mit einem scheinbar "gemischten" Segen gesegnet sind. Mit anderen Worten, es schien, als ob der Herr Sie mit Gelegenheiten und offenen Türen gesegnet hat, aber es waren schwierige Dinge damit verbunden.

Es gab Missverständnisse und Probleme mit Akzeptanz/Annahmeverweigerung und Fragen, ob dies göttliche Verbindungen waren oder nicht. Wir wissen, dass der Herr ohne Reue/Bedauern mehr gibt, so dass diese Dinge viele dazu veranlasst haben, sich zu fragen: "Ist das wirklich Gott?"

"Der Segen des Herrn macht reich, und er fügt damit keinen Kummer hinzu". (Sprüche 10:22 NKJV)

Der Herr sprach zu mir über dieses Thema und sagte mir: "Ja, das bin wirklich ich. Ich habe meine Diener gestärkt und ihnen ein größeres Maß an Einsicht gegeben, damit sie mit einer Gewissheit und einer Kühnheit gehen können, die sie noch nicht haben. Die Segnungen und offenen Türen der Vergangenheit waren auch eine Zeit der Vorbereitung.

"Die Bösen fliehen, wenn niemand sie verfolgt, aber die Rechtschaffenen sind mutig wie ein Löwe. (Sprüche 28:1 NKJV)

Die Segnungen und offenen Türen werden in dieser nächsten Zeitspanne wird viel größer sein, als in der Vergangenheit und umso "süßer", denn wir werden Weisheit haben, wenn wir ihnen begegnen.

Das war die Anweisung, die der Herr mir gegeben hat, und er hat mich auch daran erinnert, dass wir von Herrlichkeit zu Herrlichkeit gelangen. Es ist Sein Wort. Sieh zu, dass es sich erfüllt.

"Aber wir alle, die wir mit unverschleiertem Gesicht die Herrlichkeit des Herrn wie in einem Spiegel sehen, werden in dasselbe Bild von Herrlichkeit zu Herrlichkeit verwandelt, wie durch den Geist des Herrn." (2. Korinther 3,18 NKJV)


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