
Donnerstag, 21. November 2019

Heiße das Abenteuer willkommen // Embrace the Adventure

To Read english Version click here:

Kiwanda Redner, Ottawa, Canada 
Gott sagt: „Heiße das Abenteuer willkommen, heiße das Unbekannte willkommen…“ 
22. Oktober 2019  
Deutsche Übersetzung: Karin Meitz 

Ich rief zum HERRN in meiner Not, der HERR antwortete mir und befreite mich [schuf mir weiten Raum]. Der HERR ist für mich, ich fürchte mich nicht; was kann ein Mensch mir antun? Psalm 118, 5-6 Schlachter
Mein Mann Mark und ich sind vor kurzem in unserem Leben an einen neuen Punkt gelangt. Innerhalb von 2 Monaten räumten wir unseren Pastorenposten, auf dem wir 15 Jahre lang gedient hatten, und gleichzeitig gab es auch im Leben eines jeden unserer Kinder große Veränderungen – Auszug von Zuhause, Verlobung, Umzug und Schulstart. Wir hatten kein Rahmenwerk mehr, keine Struktur, wenig Unterstützung und kein Einkommen. Im Natürlichen war es ziemlich ungemütlich und löste sogar einiges an Furcht aus, weil so viel Unbekanntes vor uns lag. Wir versuchten uns an alles, was vertraut war, festzuklammern, um nur irgendwie noch ein Gefühl der Sicherheit zu haben, doch erkannten wir sehr schnell, dass es kein Zurück gab! 

Gott hatte gesagt: „Ich mache ALLES NEU!“ Warum? Weil wir zu Ihm riefen, weil wir uns nach Gottes Herz ausstreckten, weil wir uns den Wegen des Heiligen Geistes unterordnen und hingeben wollten. Wir erkannten bloß nicht, was dieses NEU bedeuten würde, als wir darum baten. Wir wussten nicht, dass es bedeuten würde, dass sich ALLES verändern würde! Neue Wege, neue Gedanken, neue Prozesse, neue Beziehungen und neue Fußstapfen, denen wir folgen sollten. 

Als wir zu Gott riefen, gab ER uns weiten Raum – das Land und die Nationen! Der Heilige Geist sprach zu uns und sagte: „Damit ihr ins Neue hineingelangen könnt, trenne ich nun alles, woran ihr noch hängt und was nicht von Mir ist, von euch ab.“ Gott zeigte uns, wie klein unsere Welt geworden war, weil wir uns unbewusst von unseren eigenen Fähigkeiten, von weltlichen Strukturen, religiösem Denken, von Beziehungen, Einfluss, Gaben und 
Verantwortungen mehr als von Gottes Wegen abhängig gemacht hatten. 

Wir waren gedemütigt, wir taten Buße, kehrten um und legten alles vor Gott auf den Altar. Wir dachten, wir wüssten, was wir tun und wie wir handeln sollten, aber jetzt, wo wir uns in völliger Unterordnung positioniert hatten, erkannten wir, dass wir aus eigener Kraft nicht wussten, wohin wir gehen und was wir tun sollten. Jeden Tag sagten wir dasselbe: „Ich weiß nicht, was ich heute tun soll, aber Du, Heiliger Geist, Du weißt es.“ 

Der wunderschöne Teil des Weges war, dass wir nun erkennen konnten, wie unsere alten Abhängigkeiten uns in Unglauben, Angst und einem falschen Sicherheitsgefühl gefangen hielten. Diese alle wurden entfernt, als wir uns nach mehr vom Heiligen Geist ausstreckten. Er befreite uns von allem, was uns gefangen hielt und stellte uns auf weiten Raum mit so viel mehr Freiheit die Person zu SEIN, zu der Gott uns geschaffen hatte, um in der ganzen Weite der Träume und Fülle, die Er vor uns bereitstellt, zu wandeln.

Es ist Zeit, das Neue zu erleben! 
JETZT ist für den Leib Christi die Zeit des Übergangs in das NEUE hinein. Im NEUEN ist Freiheit und es ist Zeit, dies zu erfahren! Er stellt jeden von uns auf weiten Raum, wenn wir bereit sind, zu kapitulieren und uns völlig hinzugeben. Diese Umstellung bedeutet nicht bloß ein wenig Veränderung in alltäglichen Situationen, es geht vielmehr um die ganzheitliche Umgestaltung unseres gesamten Lebens, denn es ist eine neue ÄRA angebrochen. Wir müssen vorbereitet sein, da für Gottes Volk nun die JETZT Zeit gekommen ist, sich ZU ERHEBEN und seinen Platz einzunehmen.  
Denn er spricht (Jesaja 49,8): »Ich habe dich zur Zeit der Gnade erhört und habe dir am Tage des Heils geholfen.« Siehe, jetzt ist die Zeit der Gnade, siehe, jetzt ist der Tag des Heils! 2. Korinther 6, 2 LUT1984  

Gott hat für Familien, Regionen und Nationen einen Plan, der es notwendig macht, dass wir uns mit Seinem Herzen in Einklang bringen und bereit sind vorwärtszugehen – OHNE ANHÄNGSEL und GEBUNDENHEITEN! 

Denn die Erde wird erfüllt werden von der Erkenntnis der Herrlichkeit des HERRN, gleichwie die Wasser den Meeresgrund bedecken. Habakuk 2, 14 Schlachter 

Im NEUEN wird es Verantwortungsbereiche und Struktur geben, doch wird es nicht mehr so sein wie im Alten, da diese Denkweise abgelegt wurde und wir nun in Christi Sinn gegründet sind. Wir HABEN nämlich Christi Sinn! 

Jemand, der bloß auf völlig menschlicher Ebene lebt, lehnt die Offenbarungen, die Gottes Geist schenkt, ab, denn sie ergeben für ihn keinen Sinn. Er kann die Offenbarungen des Heiligen Geistes nicht verstehen, denn diese können nur mithilfe der Erleuchtung durch den Heiligen Geist entdeckt werden. Jene, die im Geist leben, sind in der Lage alle Dinge sorgfältig zu beurteilen, und sie selbst unterstehen einzig und 
allein Gottes prüfendem Blick. Denn wer hat je die Gedanken des Herrn Jahweh auf ganz vertraute Weise kennengelernt, um Sein Ratgeber zu sein? Christus – und wir, die wir Christi Sichtweise besitzen. 1. Korinther 2, 14-16 (Übers. d. engl. TPT) 

Lass das Vertraute los und halt dich an Mir fest 
Der Heilige Geist sagt heute: 

„Ich habe dich hierher auf diesen Platz gestellt und dir weiten Raum geschaffen. Ich habe deinen Schrei gehört. Warum hast du solche Angst? Warum fürchtest du dich? Du hast gebetet – und Ich habe geantwortet! Ich habe so viel mehr für dich, als du dir je vorstellen oder erträumen konntest. Du konntest es dir nicht vorstellen und auch nicht erträumen aufgrund dieser Gebundenheiten. Deine Welt wurde dadurch begrenzt, dass du auf das geschaut hast, was DU tun kannst, wer DICH umgibt und was DU weißt. Deine Sicherheit lag in DIR, nicht in MIR.  

Ich sage dir nochmals: „Ich habe deinen Schrei gehört!“ Ich habe die Sehnsucht deines Herzens gehört. Es findet Widerhall in Meinem Herzen. Deshalb habe ich dir weiten Raum geschaffen und dich hierher platziert. Doch um in die Fülle des Neuen hineinsteigen zu können, muss du alle alten Gebundenheiten loslassen. 

Nimm dir Zeit für MICH und lass Mich dir den Weg zeigen. Jetzt ist es Zeit, alles Vertraute loszulassen und nur an Mir festzuhalten. Ja, es ist unbekannt, doch nur für dich – nicht für MICH. Ich bin deine Zuflucht und Stärke. Es ist ein WEITER Raum, größer als es dir bewusst war, frei von allen Gebundenheiten der Welt, bereit, von dir MIT Mir erkundet zu werden. 

Heiße das Abenteuer willkommen, heiße das Unbekannte willkommen, umarme Mich, damit du das NEUE umarmen kannst.“ 

Kiwanda Redner 

Kiwanda Redner ist zur prophetischen Leiterin für Ottawa und Kanada berufen. Ihr Herz schlägt dafür, Kanada sowie Frauen in der ganzen Welt ihre von Gott gegebenen Berufungen erfüllen zu sehen. Sie strebt leidenschaftlich nach Gottes Gegenwart und ist eine gesalbte Anbeterin, sowie begabt im Schreiben, Lehren und im Prophetischen. Von ihrem Stützpunkt in Ottawa aus leiten Kiwanda und ihr Ehemann Mark die sich momentan ereignende Kinburn Erweckungsbewegung in Kanadas Hauptstadt an. Tausende sind gekommen und haben dort die greifbare Gegenwart Gottes erlebt, die in unzähligen Wunder-vollen Heilungen und Errettungen mündete. 

ElijahList Publication   
Für den deutschsprachigen Raum: 

Mittwoch, 20. November 2019

New Year 5780: God Is Revealing the Book of Your Purpose (engl./deutsch)


This is the beginning of the Jewish New Year and a new season spiritually. This year, the Lord is releasing favor for those who have suffered. Even though it has seemed that things have been delayed, the Lord is going to fulfill His promises to you. I continue to hear the Lord say to not be discouraged with the delays because they have been needed to help prepare us for the great things coming.
"For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3, NIV)
Three Books Are Being Opened
I saw three books in Heaven opening this year:
• Book of Understanding
• Book of the Plans of Satan
• Book of Purpose
God is releasing greater understanding into your purpose, revealing the plans of the enemy and giving you strategies to overcome obstacles.
Books in Heaven are not physical, but spiritual. They contain our life callings, assignments and prophetic instructions. We see books and scrolls throughout the Bible. Jesus talks about them in Luke 10:20, and we see the Book of the Lamb in Revelation 13:8.
This is the time of year when the books of Heaven over your life—and particularly for the coming year—are opened (Psalm 139:16).
Book of Understanding
"I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, 'My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?' He replied, 'Go your way, Daniel, because the words are rolled up and sealed until the time of the end...but those who are wise will understand.'" (Daniel 12:8–10, NIV)
The Lord is opening deeper revelation this year, and the Book of Understanding about your season and calling is being opened. Get ready to receive deeper insight, wisdom and revelation.
"For you this whole vision is nothing but words sealed in a scroll. And if you give the scroll to someone who can read, and say, 'Read this, please,' they will answer, 'I can't; it is sealed.'" (Isaiah 29:11, NIV)
Watch for the Lord to reveal things that have not made sense to you in the past.
Book of the Plans of Satan
"Then the Lord told me about the plots my enemies were making against me." (Jeremiah 11:18, NLT)
I had a vision at night in which I was shown books of the enemy's plans against many people. In the visions, the Book of Satan's Plans against me was very large, and I was not able to read the details because the pages were blurred. I felt the justice of God rise up in me. I entered the courtroom of Heaven, pleaded for justice and asked the Lord to show me what satan has against me.
This original encounter happened in 2017. I knew it felt incomplete, and that something more needed to happen. I had forgotten about it until this month, when the Lord took me back into it as if it were happening now, in real time (October 2019). Instead of seeing blurred pages, I was now clearly seeing the plans of satan.
"He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him." (Daniel 2:22, NIV)
The Lord said, "I am now revealing the plans of satan that were previously hidden in darkness. The Books of Satan's Plans are now being opened."
Book of Purpose
I saw the Book of the Lord's Purposes from Isaiah 61 unrolling like a golden scroll in Heaven. This is the very scroll that Jesus read from in Luke 4:18–19 and proclaimed the start of His ministry on Earth. This is the book of the Lord's purposes for us.
This year will be the opening of the purposes for which we came to the earth to fulfill. This is the main part of the prophetic word for the coming year. A lot more regarding Isaiah 61 will unfold over the coming months.
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn..." (Isaiah 61:1–2, NIV)
The Lord is bringing new power to release people from darkness. I saw people in this dark prison of uncertainty, feeling brokenhearted and held back. The Lord is throwing the doors open for you to come out of the dark night and wilderness. As you do this, you are going to receive a new assignment and anointing to help others.
"[A]nd provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor." (Isaiah 61:3, NIV)
Your grieving is coming to an end. This year will be the start of a new season in which you will receive a crown of beauty and cast off the ashes of the previous season. The Lord is going to plant people in new places this year and position them to display the Lord's splendor.
"They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." (Isaiah 61:4, NIV)
Watch for God to reveal callings and assignments that have been discarded or promised to you but have not come about. This is both personal and at greater levels that will affect cities and nations. Many cities that have been ridden with violence and crime are about to awaken to the Lord's love.
"Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards. And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast." (Isaiah 61:5-6, NIV)
The Lord is shifting things financially this year. There will be strategies to make money for the Kingdom projects He is calling people to. New favor and help is coming from people around you.
"Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours." (Isaiah 61:7, NIV)
This is a year of double blessing and the release of double portions from Heaven.
"For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In My faithfulness I will reward My people and make an everlasting covenant with them. Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed." (Isaiah 61:8-9, NIV)
The Lord is bringing justice and repayment for losses and bad things that have happened in the past. Watch for God to move in your family or those around you that you least expect.
"I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of His righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations." (Isaiah 61:10–11, NIV)
The Lord is bringing refreshment, and joy is coming to those who have mourned and been in a time of waiting. New authority in the spirit is coming, and the Lord is going to reveal Himself to you in deeper, more intimate ways!
This will be an amazing time of divine turnarounds, and things will shift suddenly! 
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Samstag, 16. November 2019

8 Proclamations for 5780 & Beyond


Often at the head of the new Hebrew year, the Holy Spirit speaks concerning things to come. As I have prayed and sought the face of God, I have been given a series of revelations concerning the new era we have entered as of 5780 and beyond. In this period of time, we are not just crossing from one year to the next, but from one era or decade to the next.
I have chosen the title "8 Proclamations for 5780 & Beyond." Let me unpack this one phrase at a time. 8, of course, is the number of a new beginning. 5 is the number of grace and 7 is the number of completion. So, by grace we are completing past assignments and we are moving into a new decade in the Kingdom of God. We are crossing over from one side of the river where promises are revealed to the other side where promises are manifested.
I agree with others that we are shifting from an emphasis of the "Year of the Eye" to the "Year of the Mouth." But since my expertise is not in Hebrew numeric symbolic interpretation, I feel to stay in my lane of prophetic teaching, encounter and revelation. With that in mind, here are the proclamations I have been granted.
Proclaim for All to Hear
We do not use the words "proclaim" or "proclamation" often in our ordinary speech. We prefer the synonymous words such as "announce" or "publish" or "invite" or "declare." Let's revive proclamation as one of the best ways we can be prophetic in these days. Let's "cry out," "pronounce," "herald," or even "decree."
Here are two primary Scripture references on this subject:
"I will proclaim the name of Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He." (Deuteronomy 32:3-4 NIV) (Photo via Pexels)
"What I tell you in darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops." (Matthew 10:27 NASB)
This principle was driven home to me forcefully one day when I was alone, waiting quietly upon the Lord. The voice of the Holy Spirit came to me saying, "It is time to make a worldwide impact by calling forth the watchmen to the prophetic power of proclamation." This has been like the final piece of a puzzle for me, and it shifted me into ministering out of a higher vision. Let's release greater impact through the prophetic power of proclamation.
8 Proclamations for 5780 & Beyond
1. It is a time of fresh restoration of righteousness.
Righteousness is both a gift and an outworking in our lifestyle and character. This movement will be based in part out of Psalm 24:3, 4"Who may ascend to the hill of the Lord?...He who has clean hands and a pure heart..." It will be a time when "the Spirit comes with conviction."
2. It is a time of divine interruptions. God is going to interrupt our schedules, our meetings and our appointments with His presence. The Holy Spirit is going to interrupt our good, program-based agenda's with interruptions of His divine presence. Watch out, here comes God as the Divine Interrupter and Divine Intruder!
3. It is a time when divine order will be established. Out of a season where there is the open conflict of thrones resulting in chaos and confusion, the enemy will overplay his hand. God will use this backdrop to have the final word. This has ramifications on many fronts, from family to government.
4. It is a time of sacred assemblies and consecration. Out of need, there will be a movement of unity where there will be city-wide, state, provincial and national gatherings to seek the face of the Lord. There will be more public rallies of repentance and prayer, combined with the call to "GO therefore," over the next three years and beyond than in any previous time in Church history.
5. It is a time of cleansing from old disappointments. We cannot carry this baggage into the new era. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is initiating a movement of cleansing from old disappointments so we can come into the new with a fresh slate and without remorse, guilt and shame so we can be the "Hope Ambassadors" He intends us to be.
6. It is a time when the thief and the robber are exposed and caught. I have been given dreams where a security breach has occurred and is being exposed. Two dark demonic entities then came and appeared before me and their names were "thief and robber." These enemies will be exposed and captured.
Then the voice of the Lord came to me saying, "It is time for My revolutionary midnight riders to appear on the scene. They will shine the light in darkness and expose the deeds of darkness." (Photo via Unsplash)
7. It is a time when there is revelatory teaching on power and authority. As part of our equipment needed for the new era, the Holy Spirit will be teaching us the difference between power and authority and the necessity for both. The theme of the Authority of the Believer in Christ Jesus will be revisited.
8. It is a time for the beginning of the great harvest. This new era in Christendom is the beginning of the Great Harvest. Please note: I did not say the Final Harvest. But we are crossing the threshold into the Greatest Harvest we have ever known. It is time for the "Greatest Show on Earth" of signs and wonders and open displays of God's lavish love.
3 Necessary Requirements
Let me close by giving you three simple requirements that are necessary to walk in this new era and to see these proclamations fulfilled.
1. Greater focus
2. Greater flexibility
3. Greater wholeness
I trust this exhortation has stirred you to greater faith, hope and love. We see in part and know in part. This is a portion of what I see, hear and know for the new Hebrew year of 5780 and beyond! 
Dr. James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries

JAMES W. GOLL is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of more than forty books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening and The Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the father of four wonderful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and makes his home in Franklin, TN.

Montag, 11. November 2019

The Prayer Life 🙏

How to Supercharge your Prayer Life (a Word by Doug Addison)

Do you believe prayer changes things?
Most of us know that prayer can change everything and anything! But it is sometimes difficult to make prayer a priority.
Here is my personal outline to help you streamline your prayer time. You don’t have to stick completely to this—and the outline will change depending on what’s happening in your life—but it’s a great place to start!

Start with worship and declarations

As you begin to worship God and declare Bible verses, you prepare your heart and mind to receive what He has for you.
These are a few of my favorite verses to pray and declare:
1 John 4:18–19There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love Him because He first loved us. (NKJV)
Prayer: “Lord, I worship and praise You for all You’ve done in my life. I declare this verse over myself, my family and my friends. I take authority over the spirit of fear, cast it out and invite perfect love in.”
Luke 4:18–19: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. (NIV)
Prayer: “Lord, anoint me to proclaim Your good news and help release people from darkness.”

Ask God to search you and confess any sins

It’s important when you come before the Lord that you are humble and willing to admit any mistakes and ask forgiveness. This is to make sure your heart and spirit are clean.
Psalm 139:23–24: Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. (NIV)
Prayer: “Lord, search my heart and show me if there is anything I need to confess.”When God shows you something, just ask Him to forgive you and break any agreement with the plans of the enemy over your life.

Ask the Lord to reveal what is tripping you up

Oftentimes, the things that are keeping us stuck or holding us back from God’s best plan for us are things others or the enemy are doing to block us. You can ask God to show you the plans of your enemies—and He will! 
Jeremiah 11:18: Then the Lord told me about the plots my enemies were making against me. (NLT)
Prayer: “God, show me what the enemy doesn’t want me to see!”
As you decree these things, the Lord will give you a strategy to break through, and He will shut the mouth of the accuser (Satan) so you can have more authority in your prayers.

Take your position in Christ

Remembering who you are and grabbing hold of your identity in Christ will help you move forward and have more power in your prayers.
Ephesians 2:6: And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (NKJV)
Isaiah 54:17: No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. (NASB)
Prayer: “Lord, I am seated in heavenly places with You right now. Thank You for giving me strength to keep going no matter what happens today or who may disagree or oppose me.”
Remember, God is on your side and He wants you to win. Once we embrace this as truth and begin declaring His word over our lives, we increase the power and effectiveness of our prayers.

Bring personal requests

After you take the steps listed above, it’s time to bring your personal situation and circumstance to the Lord in prayer.
Philippians 4:6–7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Prayer: “Lord, I bring my requests to you (list requests specifically). I pray the blood of Jesus over all that I am and own. I ask that each person I pray for (list them by name) would receive visitations, revelation, restoration, salvation and healing. Lord, I remind You of promises or unanswered prayer …”

Test this out in your own life

I hope this prayer outline gave you a great place to start so you can pray more powerfully and effectively. I encourage you to take just 10 minutes today and try out this new prayer outline. You can even try it out for a full week and see what a difference it can make for your prayer life.
Be sure to let us know how this works for you!

Mittwoch, 6. November 2019

Listen up!

... Your Destiny is being Revealed! (a Word by Doug Addison)

Do you find yourself asking this question: “How do I know if what I’m hearing is from myself, from the enemy or other sources?” 
It’s important that you learn to discern the voice of God from other sources because new impartation for your destiny is coming right now!
Here’s how you can strengthen your ability to hear God at a whole new level.

Understand that hearing God is not complicated

Maybe you don’t know where to start in hearing God, but it doesn’t have to be a complex process!
Over 15 times in the Bible Jesus said, “You must have eyes to see and ears to hear the voice of God.” 
This is good news because it means that if we are willing to hear God—we will!

You may only need some practice

When I first started out on my journey to hear God more clearly, I knew it was important to practice.
We all have good gifts from the Lord, but they are not yet mature when we first receive them. Every gift must be developed!
A simple way to develop your discernment for God’s voice is by reading the Bible. The more you read the Bible and get familiar with how God speaks to His people, the more you’ll be able to recognize God’s voice in dreams, visions, prophetic words, etc.

The way you hear God has a lot to do with how God made you

If you have a teaching gift, you may naturally hear God’s voice through the Bible. If you’re a dreamer or a seer, you may see things in the spirit a lot. And if you’re an exhorter, you may hear God through encouraging words.
You can hear the Lord in all these ways, but how you naturally hear God may be an indicator of other gifts you possess!
Start recognizing when you seem to hear God the most clearly. His voice sounds like how a good father speaks to his children. We (as His children) recognize Him when we hear Him!
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 NIV

You’re probably already hearing God

Have you ever been at the grocery store, and you get in one line and the other line goes faster, and you knew you should have been in that one? Well, there you go. You’re hearing God!
Or maybe you just thought of someone you haven’t heard from in a long time. Then you check your email or texts and find out they’ve tried to contact you!
It’s not just a coincidence. It’s a God incidence
When this kind of stuff happens to you, be sure to write it down. As you track what God is saying to you, you will become more confident in hearing His voice every day!

Be okay with making mistakes

Making mistakes is part of the learning process. It’s important to recognize this and not get discouraged if you “miss it” a little bit. That mistake will help you in the long run if you allow God to use that misstep as a lesson!
“To those who have ears, let them hear!” 
God’s voice is going to come alive to you this week as He speaks to you about your destiny. Keep your ears open!
Doug Addison

Freitag, 1. November 2019

"10 Practical Keys to Help YOU Prophesy!"

A Word by
Prophecy is for EVERYONE! It is difficult to convey this concept enough in our world of superstars—both in the Church and outside it. But Scripture is clear—every Believer is prophetic, and every Believer can prophesy (see Numbers 11:29 and Acts 2:16-18).
So whether you have prophesied for years or are just getting started, here are 10 practical guidelines that will help you grow in prophecy and keep your gift solidly grounded.
10 Keys to Help You Prophesy
1. Earnestly desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially so that you may prophesy (see 1 Corinthians 14:1). God wants to speak to you and through you!
2. Trust the peace of God. Beware of speaking when your spirit is uneasy or in turmoil, or when you feel forced to speak. Look for the peace of God in every word you utter (see Psalm 85:8; Philippians 4:7-9). (Photo via Unsplash)
3. Obey the urging of the Spirit. Remember, the prophetic spirit is under your control. It will not impel you to speak against your better judgment. You can turn it off or turn it on by an act of your will (1 Corinthians 14:32).
4. Don't rely on physical sensations. When you begin to move in prophecy the Lord may give you physical sensations such as knots in the stomach, a fluttering heartbeat, intense heat, a feeling of euphoria, impressions, visions, and so on. The Holy Spirit does this to prepare you to receive or deliver His word. However, it is also true that as time goes on, the Lord often withholds these promptings so you can grow in the ability to hear Him apart from physical sensations.
5. Speak clearly and naturally. You don't have to speak in King James English to get your point across. Nor do you always have to say, "Thus saith the Lord." If your word is truly from God, the Spirit will confirm it in the hearts of the listeners (see John 10:4-5, 16). Also, be sure to speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard by everyone.
6. Timing is everything. A prophecy that comes at the wrong time during a meeting sounds like a noisy gong or clanging symbol. It will only draw attention to you, not to Jesus.
7. Leave the delivery of corrective and directional words to experienced and mature brothers and sisters. The simple gift of prophecy is for exhortation, edification, and comfort. If you do receive a directional word, write it down and prayerfully submit it to someone in leadership for evaluation.
8. Let God speak to you in the way that He chooses. You don't have to be struck by a lightning bolt to prophesy. A message can come in a variety of ways: literal words; senses or inklings; vision of words like teletype print in your mind; dreams; and so on. More often than not, a seasoned individual receives the sense of what God wants to say. Your duty is to then express that sense clearly and appropriately (see Psalm 12:6).
9. Follow the Holy Spirit's leading on what to do with a word after you've received it. Not all words are for the purpose of proclamation; many are for intercession. Some words should be "put on file," waiting for confirmation. Other words should be written down and submitted to more mature Christians with a prophetic ministry for evaluation. Some prophecies should only be spoken to an individual, others to a group. Some prophetic words should be delivered as songs. (Photo via Unsplash)
10. Don't let the fear of failure keep you from stepping out. What if you mess up? No start is perfect. Maturity only comes from taking risks and occasionally failing. Proverbs 24:16 says, "For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again." Learn from your mistakes, ask the Lord to forgive and cleanse you, and get back up and humbly receive His grace (see 1 Peter 5:5).
As light and darkness continue to increase in our world, YOU can be an agent of light bringing hope, encouragement, and comfort to everyone around you.
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Blessings to prophesy LIFE in Jesus' name!
Dr. James W. Goll
God Encounters Ministries

JAMES W. GOLL is the president of God Encounters Ministries and has traveled around the world sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding study guides and is the author of more than forty books, including The Seer, The Lost Art of Intercession, The Coming Israel Awakening and The Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the father of four wonderful children with a growing number of grandchildren, and makes his home in Franklin, TN.