
Dienstag, 29. September 2020

God will give You the Desires of Your Heart 💝


It’s Time to Make a Desires of Your Heart List

September 24, 2020 by Doug Addison


What are the desires of your heart? Is that something you’ve allowed yourself to think about before?

In this season, it’s so important—now more than ever—to tune into what God is speaking to you concerning your destiny, desires, and dreams. He’s looking to promote and advance you!

Many people today are seeking out their life purpose, and God is revealing this to you in this season. Your life purpose is the very reason you were created. A need for purpose is rooted in our human nature.

The desire of your heart usually reveals clues to what your life purpose is. But many of us were taught to stifle our desires.


Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 NIV

God really does want to give you the desires of your heart! Just make sure you’re delighting in Him first. Simple, right? It really is.

Get your hopes up.

So many people have been in a spiritual wilderness. Some call it the dark night of the soul or spirit. Whatever you call it, it is time to break out and advance!

Start with believing that God wants to give you the good stuff. Take a deep breath and invite God to renew your hope. Many people have been feeling like they don’t want to get their hopes up too high because so many bad things have happened.

This is a time to get your hopes up! God is moving. He’s ready to give you the desire of your heart. There are a few things you can do to accelerate this process.

1. Make a Desires of Your Heart list.

Take a moment to ask yourself some questions. Write down your answers!

• Have you given up on achieving or accomplishing any goals or desires in your life?
• Are there things you would like to do, but you are not sure how to get started or what steps to take next?

If you have not done so already, make a Desires of Your Heart list.

Write down some of your heart’s desires. Allow yourself to just write. And do not worry about what should or should not be on the list. Be honest with yourself.

2. Take one simple step.

You can turn your frustration and dissatisfaction into action.

We often avoid change because it is painful. Dissatisfaction with our lives can sometimes be a complicated thing to address. We often avoid what we know we need to do by distracting ourselves with something else.

Look at your Desires of My Heart list and choose just one item.

Now, what is one simple step you can take, right now, towards making that one item a reality? Or what can you do today to find out more about it?

Maybe you can find a book on the subject, do some research, sign up for a class, download an application or reach out to mend a relationship.

List what you want to accomplish and what it will take for you to do it. It is amazing what will happen over time as you keep taking small steps. You will find that new creativity will flow! And after a few months, you will have accomplished a lot.

Taking time to gain clarity on what the desires of your heart are—and moving one small step at a time towards your life purpose—will help you begin to build your life. You will be amazed at what God can do through you.

Hold on! Things are accelerating.


Samstag, 19. September 2020

"BIG NEWS: Authentic Wins, Rosh Hashanah & She Dares the Devil"

 Source: Johnny Enlow, Nashville, TN (

On Saturday, September 5th, 2020, an 8-1 odds horse named AUTHENTIC edged out on prohibitive favorite Tiz the Law to win the Kentucky Derby at a virtually empty Churchill Downs. Tiz the Law had won the Belmont Stakes and ran with #17; Authentic was #18. Each name and number is a piece of a puzzle and we will put them all together for the prophetic picture we are to see. It is BIG NEWS.

Tiz the Law

Tiz the Law was the winner of the Belmont Stakes, which was run in New York and at the beginning of the explosion of riots, mayhem and anarchism. Tiz the Law was the message of that time and place, and him coming in at second place on Saturday is also relevant in the discussion of everything.

Belmont means "beautiful mountain." The immediate need in the 7 Mountains of Society was for violence to be suppressed and LAW AND ORDER (as President Trump has famously re-tweeted) established. It is still a priority, but we have moved to the declaration of the next priority.

Churchill Downs

This race was ran in the Bible Belt on the Churchill Downs, or spiritually speaking, the "CHURCH HILL," which is associated with the Mountain of Religion.

It is a different place and a different time. On the Church Hill we don't want Tiz the Law winning; that would be a win for the Pharisee spirit Jesus was always up against. The Pharisees were always nipping at Jesus with "Tiz the Law" as they attacked Him for breaking long-standing religious traditions and ordinances.

It is wonderful that Authentic defeated Tiz the Law at the Church Hill. It is while the "Church Hills" are virtually empty that the great 2020 RESET is taking place. Satan had an agenda for the year; God co-opted it. Haman had gallows prepared; Haman hung on them.


"Authentic"...its definition will say it all: of undisputed origin, real, genuine, not counterfeit, not fake, true, can be believed.

We need this to do an overlap on the Mountain of Media, but as it relates to church life, this is powerful and associated with a true move of God. What is happening around the nation with the worship explosions is "authentic." (Photo via Sean Feucht)

On Sunday, September 6th, 2020, at least 12,000 gathered to worship at the capitol in Sacramento, California, led by Sean Feucht. There was a great manifestation of something authentic. There was no air conditioning and it wasn't comfortable; there were no cushy chairs, no easy access to marble floored bathrooms. It was a long time standing with a lot of sweat, and no one had their "spot," there were no saved seats. But there was a lot of true, genuine, authentic worship of the living God. There were a lot of imperfect people but all sourced from an "Undisputed Origin."

May waves and waves of this kind of "AUTHENTIC" roll out across this nation and the nations of the earth! Come on, worship leaders, help make this grow exponentially! Come on, businessmen, perhaps you can initiate it! My brother-in-law, Jim Drown (businessman/evangelist), is renting the Promenade at Piedmont Park in Atlanta, Georgia for a 10/10 "authentic" event with Sean Feucht. I am coming too. Let's be a crowd and a half! "Tiz the Law" is nipping at our heels for all large gatherings, but we need to press in and win!

The 18th Is Rosh Hashanah 5781

Authentic the horse was number #18. This is very significant and connects with the start of the new year on the Hebraic calendar which begins today, September 18th, at sundown. This is no coincidence. Authentic will be the mark of the year for 5781. That which is TRUE will win on multiple fronts.

Tiz the Law, appropriately enough, was #17. The Hebrew letter PEY has a numeric value of 80 and is the 17th letter of that alphabet. We are moving from 5780 to 5781. The decade of the mouth and breath (the 5780s) is a new metron of Kingdom influence. We are entering a new era. We are still working through the "gatekeepers" of this new metron, and they have brought great resistance and an attempt to muzzle the Church and muzzle the world. 5781 is breaking through all of that. Fake everything has been the enemy's stronghold of 5780. Authentic everything breaks down the walls of resistance and crushes fake everything. Even the 8-1 odds of Authentic connects to the 5781 of Rosh Hashanah.

Psalm 18

This is the accompanying Psalm to all that God is doing with this AUTHENTIC move of God. This was the 50 verse (Jubilee) Psalm that David erupted with the day he was finally delivered from the hand of Saul. Saul is the spirit of religion but also the "Deep State." Verse 7 says, "Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the mountains quaked and were shaken..." Verse 15, "...the foundations of the earth were uncovered..."

There is so much more, but you get it. The fake, the counterfeit, the cover-ups, the lies get laid bare when #18 Authentic runs and wins. It has already been prophesied through a horse race.

Big News Is Coming

The horse that most greatly exceeded expectations was 46-1 odds MR. BIG NEWS, who came in third. This can't be ignored or considered an afterthought. Psalm 46:1-2 says, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore WE WILL NOT FEAR..." (Photo via PXhere)

Isaiah 46:1 begins with, "BEL BOWS DOWN, Nebo stoops..." Bel was the chief god of Babylon who famous King Cyrus had just been anointed to crush in Isaiah 45. President Trump is the modern-day Cyrus and as 45th president of the United States, he has been anointed to harshly deal with the Babylon/Deep State of our day. Nebo was Bel's son, and so the stopping of this evil extends multi-generationally. This is a complete extinguishing. This is BIG NEWS and against almost all odds is part of the SHOW.

She Dares the Devil

On the day before the Kentucky Derby and at the same Churchill Downs, a yearly race called the Kentucky Oaks is run. It is a race for fillies. Saturday that race was won by a horse named Shedaresthedevil. Yep, that's her actual name. She, too, was a long shot and the report was that she "vastly outperformed expectations and prevailed in convincing fashion." In fact, she clocked the fastest run in Kentucky Oaks' history! That's a super quick filly.

I am telling you, the women are carrying the day in the Body of Christ right now. I have been so impressed with how in tune they are with what is really going on in the natural and spiritual realm—even while many men in leadership are scratching their heads and still trying to "figure it out." Discernment will trump over "figuring it out" on any day of the week... and yes, I am aware of how that word "trump" just came into play.

Go, Kingdom fillies! (And yes, you can be over 80 and still be a "Kingdom filly.") You are being the all-important, game-changing "oaks of righteousness" of Isaiah 61, and that "dread-champion" anointing is on you. Keep drawing those lines in the sand and "daring the devil." The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon you and Christ in you is saving the day. You will be key in rebuilding ruined cities for many generations. Rewards, rewards, rewards are coming your way—and especially in 5781! For now, don't lose heart; hold the line. This round you are the "David" of the battlefield.


Am Samstag, dem 5. September 2020, setzte sich ein Pferd mit der Quote 8:1 namens AUTHENTIC gegen den untragbaren Favoriten Tiz the Law durch und gewann das Kentucky Derby in einem praktisch leeren Churchill Downs. Tiz the Law hatte die Belmont Stakes gewonnen und lief mit der Nummer 17; Authentic war die Nummer 18. Jeder Name und jede Zahl ist ein Teil eines Puzzles, und wir werden sie alle für das prophetische Bild, das wir sehen sollen, zusammensetzen. Das sind BIG NEWS.

Tiz das Gesetz

Tiz the Law war der Gewinner der Belmont-Einsätze, die in New York und zu Beginn der Explosion von Unruhen, Chaos und Anarchismus durchgeführt wurden. Tiz the Law war die Botschaft jener Zeit und jenes Ortes, und dass er am Samstag auf dem zweiten Platz eintrat, ist auch für die Diskussion über alles von Bedeutung.

Belmont bedeutet "schöner Berg". Das unmittelbare Bedürfnis in den 7 Bergen der Gesellschaft bestand darin, Gewalt zu unterdrücken und GESETZ UND ORDNUNG (wie Präsident Trump bekanntermaßen neu getwittert hat) einzuführen. Es ist immer noch eine Priorität, aber wir sind zur Erklärung der nächsten Priorität übergegangen.

Churchill Downs

Dieses Rennen wurde im "Bible Belt on the Churchill Downs", oder geistlich gesprochen, dem "CHURCH HILL" ausgetragen, der mit dem Berg der Religion in Verbindung gebracht wird.

Es ist ein anderer Ort und eine andere Zeit. Auf dem Churchill Hill wollen wir nicht, dass Tiz the Law gewinnt; das wäre ein Sieg für den pharisäischen Geist, gegen den Jesus immer antrat. Die Pharisäer zwickten Jesus immer mit "Tiz the Law" an, als sie ihn wegen des Bruchs langjähriger religiöser Traditionen und Vorschriften angriffen.

Es ist wunderbar, dass Authentic "Tiz the Law" auf dem Kirchenhügel besiegt hat. Während die "Church Hills" praktisch leer sind, findet der große RESET 2020 statt. Satan hatte eine Tagesordnung für das Jahr; Gott hat sie auch ausgewählt. Haman ließ Galgen vorbereiten; Haman hing an ihnen.


"Authentisch"...seine Definition wird alles sagen: von unbestrittener Herkunft, echt, echt, nicht gefälscht, nicht gefälscht, wahr, kann geglaubt werden.

Wir brauchen dies, um eine Überschneidung auf dem Berg der Medien zu erreichen, aber da es sich auf das kirchliche Leben bezieht, ist dies mächtig und mit einem wahren Schachzug Gottes verbunden. Was in der ganzen Nation mit den Explosionen im Gottesdienst geschieht, ist "authentisch". (Foto über Sean Feucht)

Am Sonntag, dem 6. September 2020, versammelten sich mindestens 12.000 Menschen unter der Leitung von Sean Feucht zum Gottesdienst in der Hauptstadt Sacramento, Kalifornien. Es gab eine große Manifestation von etwas Authentischem. Es gab keine Klimaanlage und es war nicht komfortabel; es gab keine bequemen Stühle, keinen einfachen Zugang zu den mit Marmorboden ausgelegten Badezimmern. Es war ein langes Stehen mit viel Schweiß, und niemand hatte seinen "Platz", es gab keine gesicherten Sitze. Aber es gab eine Menge wahrer, echter, authentischer Anbetung des lebendigen Gottes. Es gab viele unvollkommene Menschen, aber alle stammten aus einem "unbestrittenen Ursprung" (also waren echt).

Mögen Wellen und Wellen dieser Art von "AUTHENTISCHEM" über diese Nation und die Nationen der Erde rollen! Kommt schon, Lobpreisleiter, helft mit, dass dies exponentiell wächst! Kommt schon, Geschäftsleute, vielleicht könnt ihr es initiieren! Mein Schwager, Jim Drown (Geschäftsmann/Evangelist), mietet die Promenade im Piedmont Park in Atlanta, Georgia, für eine "authentische" Veranstaltung für den 10.10. mit Sean Feucht. Ich werde auch kommen. Lasst uns mehr als eine riesige Menschenmenge sein! "Tiz the Law" ist uns bei allen großen Versammlungen auf den Fersen, aber wir müssen uns vordrängen und gewinnen!

Der 18. ist Rosch Haschana 5781

Authentisch war das Pferd mit der Nummer #18. Dies ist sehr bedeutsam und steht im Zusammenhang mit dem Beginn des neuen Jahres im hebräischen Kalender, der heute, am 18. September, bei Sonnenuntergang beginnt. Dies ist kein Zufall. Authentic wird das Zeichen des Jahres für 5781 sein. Das, was WAHR ist, wird an mehreren Fronten siegen.

Tiz das Gesetz, passend genug, war #17. Der hebräische Buchstabe PEY hat einen Zahlenwert von 80 und ist der 17. Wir bewegen uns von 5780 auf 5781. Das Jahrzehnt des Mundes und des Atems (die 5780er Jahre) ist ein neuer Metron des Einflusses des Königreichs. Wir treten in eine neue Ära ein. Wir arbeiten immer noch durch die "Torwächter" dieses neuen Metrons, und sie haben großen Widerstand geleistet und den Versuch unternommen, der Kirche einen Maulkorb zu verpassen und der Welt einen Maulkorb zu verpassen. 5781 durchbricht all das. Alles zu fälschen war die feindliche Hochburg von 5780. Authentisches Alles durchbricht die Mauern des Widerstands und zerschlägt alles Falsche. Sogar die 8:1-Chance des Authentischen verbindet sich mit der 5781 von Rosch Haschana.

Psalm 18

Dies ist der begleitende Psalm zu allem, was Gott mit dieser AUTHENTISCHEN Bewegung Gottes tut. Dies war der 50 Verse umfassende (Jubiläums-)Psalm, den David an dem Tag ausbrach, an dem er endlich von der Hand Sauls befreit wurde. Saul ist der Geist der Religion, aber auch der "Tiefe Staat". In Vers 7 heißt es: "Da schüttelte und bebte die Erde; auch die Grundfesten der Berge bebten und wurden erschüttert..." Vers 15, "...die Grundfesten der Erde wurden aufgedeckt..."

Es gibt noch so viel mehr, aber Sie haben es verstanden. Die Fälschungen, die Nachahmungen, die Vertuschungen, die Lügen werden aufgedeckt, wenn #18 Authentic läuft und gewinnt. Es ist bereits durch ein Pferderennen prophezeit worden.

Große Neuigkeiten kommen

Das Pferd, das die Erwartungen am meisten übertraf, war das Pferd mit einer Quote von 46:1 MR. BIG NEWS, das den dritten Platz belegte. Dies kann nicht ignoriert oder als nachträglicher Einfall betrachtet werden. In Psalm 46:1-2 heißt es: "Gott ist unsere Zuflucht und Stärke, eine sehr gegenwärtige Hilfe in der Not. Darum WIR WERDEN KEINE Furcht haben..." (Foto über PXhere)

Jesaja 46:1 beginnt mit: "BEL HAT SICH GEBEUGT, Nebo bückt sich..." Bel war der Hauptgott Babylons, den der berühmte König Cyrus gerade in Jesaja 45 zum Zermalmen gesalbt worden war. Präsident Trump ist der heutige Cyrus, und als 45. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten wurde er dazu gesalbt, sich mit dem babylonischen/tiefen Staat unserer Tage hart auseinanderzusetzen. Nebo war Bels Sohn, und so erstreckt sich die Eindämmung dieses Übels über mehrere Generationen. Dies ist eine vollständige Auslöschung. Dies sind GROSSE NACHRICHTEN, und entgegen fast allen Erwartungen ist dies Teil der SHOW.

Sie fordert den Teufel heraus

Am Tag vor dem Kentucky Derby und bei den gleichen Churchill Downs wird jährlich ein Rennen namens Kentucky Oaks ausgetragen. Es ist ein Rennen für Stutfohlen. Am Samstag wurde dieses Rennen von einem Pferd namens Shedaresthedevil gewonnen. Ja, das ist ihr richtiger Name. Auch sie war weit hergeholt, und es wurde berichtet, dass sie "die Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen und sich überzeugend durchgesetzt" habe. Tatsächlich erzielte sie den schnellsten Lauf in der Geschichte von Kentucky Oaks! Das ist ein superschnelles Stutfohlen.

Ich sage Ihnen, die Frauen tragen im Augenblick den Tag im Leib Christi. Ich war so beeindruckt davon, wie gut sie mit dem übereinstimmen, was wirklich im natürlichen und geistlichen Bereich vor sich geht - auch wenn viele Männer in Führungspositionen sich am Kopf kratzen und immer noch versuchen, "es herauszufinden". Unterscheidungsvermögen wird an jedem Tag der Woche über "es herausfinden" triumphieren ... und ja, ich bin mir bewusst, wie dieses Wort "Trumpf" (Trump) gerade ins Spiel kam.

Los, Königreichsstutfohlen! (Und ja, Sie können über 80 Jahre alt sein und immer noch ein "Königreichsstutfohlen" sein.) Sie sind die überaus wichtigen, das Spiel verändernden "Eichen der Gerechtigkeit" aus Jesaja 61, und diese "Furcht-gefüllten-Champions"-Salbung liegt auf Ihnen. Zeichnen Sie weiterhin diese Linien in den Sand und "fordern Sie den Teufel heraus". Der Geist des Souveränen Herrn ruht auf Ihnen, und Christus in Ihnen rettet den Tag. Du wirst für viele Generationen eine Schlüsselrolle beim Wiederaufbau zerstörter Städte spielen. Belohnungen, Belohnungen, Belohnungen kommen auf Sie zu - und besonders im Jahr 5781! Verlieren Sie vorerst nicht den Mut; halten Sie die Stellung. In dieser Runde sind Sie der "David" des Schlachtfelds.

(Übersetzung überwiegend mit

Mittwoch, 9. September 2020

A Hopefull Message of a Risk // Eine hoffnungsvolle Botschaft von einem Risiko

The story in Mark 4:35-41 tells us about a storm and Jesus and us.

Storms are always comes our ways. And if we are able to know whats about, it will help us to understand. Let me explain...

First of all: 

A Storm is always designed to increase your faith and give you a deeper experience with your God!

If we know this, it'll be help to go through this time of storm.

In this story in Mark there are three different types of storms: 

1. a circumstantial storm (can't control)

2. a terryfied storm; it's by your emotions you respond to the circumstances (normally also can't control)

3. a theological storm; because of Jesus is still sleeping in the boat. This storm is about the Truth and believing in Jesus (V.38 the disciples thought in their opinion that they have to help Jesus to wake up and come into action)

Therefore these three times of storms are in our lives.

It's important to talk to Jesus in this situation, not only to other people or first of all to take action. Jesus is the Savior and He will connect with us, even in the biggest storm (V.39)

His question is; "Why you don't have faith and believing in me?" (V.40)

The answer is hidden in Vers 35 where the promis is, that they will turn to the other side of the sea. It means, in the midst of a storm we loose and forget our promise from Jesus. Because of this, we are facing fear.

God never allows, that the circumstances are trump his promises and also his presence! Because, HE IS THERE, wherever you are!


A storm is a journey of discovery what are you dealing with! (V.41)

When you have a storm, if there is a very big or a small one, God want's you to be where you never been before!

And know, in the Saviors Love a day like this was included from the beginning! Jesus knew everything...

Faith is a risk! Will you give God the Glory to take Faith in every circumstance? Is He worthy to take Faith?

Hebrew 11:1 tells us

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

To see the full message by a Video from Tony Evans please click here: Trusting God in a Storm


Die Geschichte in Markus 4,35-41 erzählt uns von einem Sturm und von Jesus und uns.


Stürme sind immer auf unseren Wegen. Und wenn wir in der Lage sind zu wissen, worum es geht, wird es uns helfen zu verstehen. Lassen Sie mich erklären...

Zunächst einmal..:

Ein Sturm ist immer darauf ausgerichtet, Ihren Glauben zu stärken und Ihnen eine tiefere Erfahrung mit Ihrem Gott zu ermöglichen!


Wenn wir das wissen, wird es uns helfen, diese Zeit des Sturms durchzustehen.


In dieser Geschichte bei Markus gibt es drei verschiedene Arten von Stürmen:

1. ein Sturm in den Umständen  (kann nicht kontrolliert werden)

2. ein furchterregender Sturm; durch Ihre Emotionen reagieren Sie auf die Umstände (normalerweise auch nicht zu kontrollieren)

3. ein theologischer Sturm; weil Jesus noch im Boot schläft. Bei diesem Sturm geht es um die Wahrheit und den Glauben an Jesus (V.38 dachten die Jünger in ihrer Meinung, dass sie Jesus helfen müssen, aufzuwachen und in Aktion zu treten)


Deshalb sind diese drei Sturmzeiten in unserem Leben.


Es ist wichtig, in dieser Situation mit Jesus zu reden, nicht nur mit anderen Menschen oder erst einmal zu handeln. Jesus ist der Erlöser, und er wird sich mit uns verbinden, selbst im größten Sturm (V.39)

Seine Frage lautet: "Warum haben Sie keinen Glauben und glauben Sie nicht an mich? (V.40)


Die Antwort ist in Vers 35 verborgen, wo das Versprechen steht, dass sie sich auf die andere Seite des Meeres wenden werden. Es bedeutet, dass wir inmitten eines Sturms unser Versprechen von Jesus verlieren und vergessen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir Angst.


Gott lässt niemals zu, dass die Umstände seine Verheißungen und auch seine Gegenwart übertrumpfen! Denn ER IST DORT, wo immer Sie sind!

Beachten Sie:

Ein Sturm ist eine Entdeckungsreise, woran Sie gerade arbeiten in ihrem Leben! (V.41)


Wenn Sie einen Sturm haben, ob es einen sehr großen oder einen kleinen gibt, dann möchte Gott, dass Sie dort sind, wo Sie noch nie zuvor gewesen sind!

Und wisst, in der Liebe unseres Retters war ein Tag wie dieser von Anfang an enthalten! Jesus wusste alles zuvor...


Der Glaube ist ein Risiko! Werden Sie Gott die Ehre geben, unter allen Umständen zu glauben? Ist Er würdig, Ihren Glauben zu nehmen?


Hebräer 11:1 sagt uns

Nun ist der Glaube die Substanz der erhofften Dinge, der Beweis der nicht gesehenen Dinge.


Um die vollständige Botschaft durch ein Video von Tony Evans zu sehen, klicken Sie bitte hier: Gott in einem Sturm vertrauen (auf englisch)


Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Donnerstag, 3. September 2020

Prophetic Word for September 2020


God’s Plans Being Released in September

We’re entering the Days of Awe—Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year; and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement—which are important because God speaks more clearly during the Jewish seasons.

The Lord’s plan for this new year is to balance the Books of Repayment for the many losses and troubles the world is seeing right now. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to help you see how God is revealing wisdom for financial strategies so that we can be part of bringing blessing and hope to a hurting world.

Watch Doug's Video or Read below the Summary of his Transcript

The prophetic word is God’s Plan Is Being Released in September. And so it really is based around Isaiah 5:19 in The Passion Translation. I really love this one is, “Let the prophetic plan of the Holy One of Israel come to pass quickly so we can see what it is!” The Lord is releasing out plans. And this is the time of year that this happens. We’re entering what’s called the Days of Awe. That’s Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year (September 18th through the 20th), and Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement (September 27th and the 28th). And so it’s a 10-day period in which we can hear God. We’re no longer under the Law of Moses, but God still speaks clearly during the Jewish seasons, and He gives us assignments. And this year, God’s going to balance the Books of Repayment, and He’s releasing the storehouses of Heaven to replenish the storehouses on Earth. He’s releasing greater clarity as we’re entering into this new season because the storehouses on Earth sure need to be replenished right now. Here’s one of the major pieces that I got over this … is the windows of Heaven are opening. Now this is Malachi 3:10, and most people associate this word with tithing, and it applies to that. Giving’s a great thing! But what I’m taking about right now is the prophetic word around this. The Lord spoke to me about it. He said, “Bring the full tithe into the storehouse (this is about the storehouses and the windows of Heaven) so that there may be food in My house. Test Me and try Me on this,” says the Lord of Hosts, “and see if I will not open the windows of Heaven and pour out so much blessing there will not be room enough to receive it.”

Now the Lord is doing something right now. And He’s gonna open up the windows of Heaven and bring blessing that’s gonna help those in need…

So watch for financial blessings and strategies to come. Maybe it’ll be an increase of income. Maybe it’ll just be a bump here and there. Or with some people, it’ll be a major one. I saw radical changes starting to happen, and some people are actually gonna move into an entire new era of working—of working online. The Lord brought us here in 2015. He repositioned us to minister on the internet. I was a traveling speaker and minister, and I tell ya, we’ve increased well over four times. That first year, the first couple years, four times. And He’s blessed us so much on the internet, we were already positioned for this. But He’s gonna be moving right now into this new era of working, and working online, and what’s gonna happen, you know, shortly. The windows of Heaven needed to be cleaned … And I saw the windows of Heaven, the Malachi 3 windows, being blocked. You know, many people have blocks to it. Satan has been trying to hold back blessings and financial flow. There’s been so much attack against finances, there’s a need for cleaning of the windows. Well, guess what? I’ve got some good news ‘cause the Lord’s gonna do this right now with you. And I have this prayer, that … it’s my friend Paul Cox from Aslan’s Place. And I’m just gonna use one paragraph from the prayer. And I recommend praying the whole thing. But it’s the Prayer to Renounce theIllegal Access of the Windows of Heaven

This is an excerpt from it:

“Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You forgive us for illegally accessing the windows of Heaven for the purposes of personal financial gain. I repent and I renounce for opening any heavenly windows through occult practice, idolatry, divination, witchcraft, covenant breaking, ungodly trading, the exploitation of others and false religions. And I also repent for closing windows that should not have been closed. Lord, please close every window, gate and door that was opened illegally, and open every window, gate and door that needs to be open. Open that up that was closed by error, in Jesus’ name.”

We’re entering into a new seven-year season. It’s a seven-year season. Now seven years ago was 2013. And over the last seven years, we’ve had to work very hard. We’ve had to contend for nearly everything generally, overall, as a season. This is what the Lord showed me. But we’re leaving that seven years of contention and entering into a time of greater authority and anointing to overcome the evil one. And as we enter into this new season, listen, the Lord’s gonna start to give you the bigger picture, and it will require a battle as the old is trying to keep a foothold on you. So, don’t think that we’re gonna enter into this easy-breezy season, you know, without a fight! We have to battle to get into it. We have to contend especially October, November, December. We need to contend over the next few months to move into this new season. I’m believing we’re gonna see a turnaround in January. But as we move into this, 1 Corinthians 13:9 where, “We know in part and we prophesy in part; but when completeness comes, what was in part disappears.” We seldom know the full picture as individuals of what God is doing. That’s by design. God has, He’s actually called us to be part of a community. I have to get prophetic words. I bounce things off of other prophets, other people, my intercessors, my team. I work things through so that I can get the bigger picture. And that’s what God’s releasing right now. He’s gonna release … This is the Jewish New Year word, the bigger picture of understanding. There’s been many missing pieces that are now gonna come into place. He’s gonna bring a new level of wisdom and understanding to you. And your ability to hear God is gonna take a sudden acceleration starting this month, and it’s gonna progress over the next few months. Again, you will need to contend for this. And you will need to battle to get to this. And things may not go back to normal for a while, but God is releasing blessing and power to operate in the new normal, whatever that might be. But we’re gonna see a shift over the next couple of months. So as He does this, the Lord is releasing … He’s gonna actually release (I keep talking about this) the Gates of Joy and things like that. But Jeremiah 31:13, He’s says, “I’m gonna turn your mourning into gladness; and I will give comfort and joy instead of sorrow. I’m gonna give comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” So, I want you to write that down. Jeremiah 31:13. And if you can, you can just start to pray over this. If you’ve been in a place of sorrow or, you know, you need to move into gladness, begin to decree Jeremiah 31:13 and break it off.…

So, ask the Lord to give you a vision for what is coming to you. And ask for a strategy and a plan. And He will open it up. And especially right now, during Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur. You know, historically it’s when the Lord releases the things that are assignments over the next year, actually. And so watch this Jewish New Year, September 18th through the 20th; and then Yom Kippur, the 27th through the 28th. So, watch this 10-day period. It’s called the Days of Awe. And the Lord will be speaking.…

Also I have this word. I went back nine months ago ‘cause the Lord told me, He says, “I’m gonna birth something.” I heard, “I’m gonna birth something.” So, I knew birthing takes about nine months, and so I went back nine months ago in January 2020. And the Lord had showed me some things that … actually from my prophetic word that I had released in January. And I’m seeing those things start to come now. And one of them is that He was gonna bring strategies of increase. Matthew 13:8. This is coming right now. Matthew 13:8, “Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—one hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” God is releasing seeds of revelation. He’s giving strategies that’s gonna produce up to 100-fold. Up to 100-fold. And there’s a coming in the form of business ideas, inventions, new jobs, different things. This is a year to get out of debt if you’re not there, or to create financial blessings to bless the world. This is so important….

I’m just giving people ideas…. We paid it to other people…. So if you can, start seeding this area. Give and it will be given to you. Seed this new thing as God’s doing something new. And sometimes, you know, it might be a specific strategy that He’s gonna give you for financial breakthrough. Or it might be the surprise checks in the mail or, you know, money that comes unexpectedly….

The Joseph People anointing is still coming. This is where Joseph got a strategy on how to get Israel out of a bad situation, first of all. But it also helped with ...

Joseph was in prison in Genesis 41. In prison he interpreted the dream of Pharaoh, an ungodly king, and got a strategy on how to overcome the big famine and set Israel up for a total new blessing. They all got new … Israel itself, during that time, got new clothes, and gold, and new houses during that time. And so you can be blessed in the downturn. I’m not saying that you need to—this is not a prosperity message. But you know, we can be blessed so that we can be a blessing. That’s what I’m saying. Be blessed so that you can be a blessing at whatever level. So, I’ve seen this starting to come in different signs….

You know, I’m a prophetic signs prophet. I have a signs type of … that means that whatever happens to me is like a parable. I live out these prophetic words….

…and the Lord opened it up. And God’s gonna open things up over you. And also from last January, nine months ago, there was new authority coming. Revelation 2:26, “But the one who’s victorious and who will do My will to the end, I will give authority over the nations.”

There’s a battle right now, but God is creating new spiritual authority. And I tell you, from nine months ago, I’m…

And I tell you, God’s opening things up right now. He’s gonna increase your authority. He’s gonna increase your strength. He’s gonna use your current trials and use your difficult times in your personal life to give you greater authority in your city and even nations. And the business world, God’s gonna open things up right now. And it’s happening! I tell ya, this is a new time, new health, new finances, new relationships are coming. And it’s going to be a year of turnaround this year. The Jewish New Year is a year of turnaround, establishment of a new era and for the purposes of the Kingdom.…