A Word by Doug Addison

Doug Addison
Does it seem like the stuff that used to work for you doesn’t anymore?
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you may know what plateaus are. It’s when your body stops responding to what was working before. Health and fitness coaches will tell you to switch up your routine to “shock” your system so you can keep getting results.
Or maybe you’ve outgrown your “shell.” There are certain animals that have to leave their old shell when they’ve outgrown it in order to find a bigger one.
Do you feel like you need room to grow?
You may feel like you’re in this place right now. Sometimes the old ways of thinking, believing and doing stop working. This is true spiritually, too.
You may reach a plateau in your spiritual life and need something to give you a jump-start. Or you simply need more room to grow—the old ways that used to “fit” you no longer do the job.
I’ve got good news for you … this isn’t a bad place to be! You’re just in the middle of a transition period. The question is: How should you react to times of transition?
The purpose of transition
Spiritual transition can be an awkward, but sometimes necessary, place to be. It’s that place between the old and the new. The new hasn’t come yet, but you’ve outgrown the old. You know you’re meant for more but aren’t sure what “more” looks like. That’s transition.
Here’s an example from my own life.
Recently, InLight Connection, my ministry, has been going through some major change. Following what God is calling us to in the new season has required us to drastically reduce the number of paid online workshops we host, and it’s cost us a lot financially to do so!
We are having to rely, more than ever, on God and His goodness. Transition is a great place to learn how to trust the Lord and His good plans for us.
You have to let go of the old to embrace the new!
Try to imagine that you have your hands full of stuff. The stuff in your hands was good, but now it’s old and outdated.
Now think about God coming to you, holding your dreams in His hand. He says, “Hey, I’ve got what you’ve been asking for. Can you let go of that old stuff so I can give the new to you?”
But the old was good to you! It probably even means a lot to you emotionally. You may be sad to let it go.
When you decide to let go of the old in your hands, there’s a short time period when your hands are empty. That is the point of transition between what you were holding and what you’re about to hold.
Transition may feel uncomfortable—but it’s worth it!
Transition can make you feel nervous, and it may even be uncomfortable for you. But God is standing right there with His arms full of the new and He’s ready to give it to you! He’s just waiting for you to release the old.
You can trust that God knows what He’s doing and has your best interests at heart. The old season has passed, and you can be sure that the new will be better—even while you’re in transition.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:20 NIV
God’s got His power at work within you, and the good stuff is on its way!

Doug Addison
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.
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