
Freitag, 12. Juni 2020

Different Seasons...

The 4 Seasons of Life You Should Know

I’ve given a recent prophetic word that we are entering into a season of joy. That may be hard to believe when you look around at what is going on in the world today.
But the trouble we’re experiencing is not here to stay.
No matter what it looks like right now, I encourage you to jump into the season of joy that’s here now and embrace it for yourself.
You know, I’ve spent many years learning how to understand the times and seasons of Heaven. I think that studying the natural seasons the Earth moves through every year is a good place to start.

Understanding your season

Think about it. I said in January that the year 2020 would be a year of vision. I’m saying now that we’re in a season of joy. But many people are looking around wondering where any of this is!
Try not to mistake today’s weather for the season we’re in right now. Can you hear what I’m saying?
Sometimes it snows in the spring, right? Sometimes storms come, but they eventually move away.
But just because it’s snowing in the spring doesn’t mean it’s not spring! Just because it’s storming today doesn’t mean there won’t be clear weather tomorrow.
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.Song of Solomon 2:11 NIV
Look past the distractions so you can understand the season.

4 seasons of life

Let’s take a look at the life seasons we all move through. I’m going to use the natural seasons as a key to help you understand.
First, let me walk you through how to use the natural to understand the spiritual. What do you think of when you think of spring?
New growth? Warmer weather? Birds singing?
Now, with that in mind, begin to think of a spiritual interpretation of Spring. I’ll help.
A spring life-season is a time of new growth.
 Change has happened recently, and things are being renewed. It’s a time of refreshment!
A time of fun and blessing.
 It’s like a mountaintop experience. We don’t usually grow during these times, and we cannot live there. But summer times keep us going. It’s something we look forward to.
AutumnSpiritually and naturally, this is a transition time when things begin to dry up and die. Old habits and behaviors start fading away. It starts out looking pretty but quickly changes. You are moving from one major season to another.
WinterDuring the winter season, everything is dormant, and times are difficult. It is not easy to hear God or know the direction to go. This season is a test to strengthen your faith. This may also be known as a wilderness time.

Understanding the times and seasons helps you in life

There’s something very comforting about the seasons of life. They remind us that the difficult seasons will eventually end, and we should enjoy the good seasons when they’re here.
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” Genesis 8:22 NIV
I hope this has been encouraging to you! We are truly in a time of new joy, no matter what it may look like right now. If you want to know more about how to align yourself with God’s times and seasons, then join me for my brand-new workshop, Getting Aligned: How to Understand Times & Seasons.
Get ready to grow both emotionally and spiritually—and let’s leap into joy!

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