Have you ever felt like you’re good at a lot of different things?
Sometimes it may feel like you’re interested in too many things.
You have probably heard this saying: “A jack of all trades is
a master of none …”
But many people don’t realize that there is a second part to that
saying: “… but often times better than a master of one.”
I like to call people who can wear a lot of hats, or do a lot of
different things well, Swiss Army knives.
Having a lot of tools in your toolkit can sometimes feel
overwhelming, but it’s not a weakness—it’s a strength!
Here’s why being a Swiss Army knife doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
Learn to focus on a few interests at a time.
So, you’ve always dreamed of writing a book because you’re a
great writer, but you’re also wonderful with computers. Or
maybe you wanted to go into the medical field, but you also
thought you’d make an awesome schoolteacher.
If you feel like your interests are pulling you in several different
directions, here is an important realization: Just because
you need to be able to focus on a few things at a time,
doesn’t mean you’re giving up all your other passions forever!
Swiss Army knives have the capacity to do many different things,
but usually only one tool can be used at a time. Try to decide
what projects to focus on now and which are for later.
Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.
Proverbs 4:25 NIV
Start looking for the intersections.
You may have learned in school that the primary colors of the
color wheel are red, blue and yellow. We know there are many
more colors in the rainbow, but these primary colors help us get all the others.
It’s at the intersections of the primary colors that we begin to see
different ones. For example, red and blue mixed together make purple,
while yellow and blue make green, etc.
In the same way, what happens when you cross your interest
in travel with writing? Maybe it’s a travel blog! When you mix
your love of software development with your passion for art
and design … perhaps you get a new app!
When you are good at a lot of different things, those interests
can overlap and create something entirely new. Once you allow
your variety of interests to intersect, that’s often when
the creative, new ideas start to form.
Your gift(s) will make room for you.
You may feel like the world isn’t made for someone like you,
someone who is good at multiple things. But your gift(s) will pave
the path for you. This means your giftings create the space
for you, instead of you trying to fit into an available space
that doesn’t fit!
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.
Proverbs 18:16 NIV
Start thinking bigger.
When you’re interested in multiple things, you can feel
pressured from outside influences to choose just one. To a
Swiss Army knife, this can feel like looking out of the wrong
end of the binoculars!
But God wants to bless you with more than you can imagine.
You can trust that He knows how He made you and wants you
to walk in the fullness of the gifts He’s given you!
It’s time to view your life without limitations!
P.S. Is one of your many passions writing? Have you always
wanted to create your own book and get your message out there?
I invite you to sign up for my new, free writing mini-course
so you can finally take the steps to get your book written!
(It’s Swiss-Army-knife-friendly!)
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection.
Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his
Daily Prophetic Words,Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog.
He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are
impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.
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