Dancing Upon The Disarmed Minefield Of Your Soul
A Word by Lori Suiter
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When my mom started having memory problems I was devastated. It became extremely hard to have a conversation with her due to her not being able to finish sentences. She slowly became someone I didn’t even recognize, BUT that was the good thing. See my mom had been tormented by memories of childhood which caused her great distress ALL her life which spilled over into the way she parented. Most of my memories of her are not good memories at all. This is where God stepped in, granted a little later in her life than I would have preferred, in a mighty way. I believe in His mercy He took the painful memories away from her and she became a totally different person. The woman I see in front of me today is pleasant, content, and always has something nice to say to everyone. This is a woman who understands JOY and FREEDOM!
My mom had deep wounds in her soul that acted like hidden bombs so dealing with her growing up was like daily walking a minefield and you never knew when you might trigger an explosion. As I was having my quiet time with the Lord, He started to show me that we all have hidden bombs on the land that is our lives. Many of us have dealt with the obvious bombs because they were easy to see on top of the surface, but there are ones that we don’t know are there until we “trigger” them in others or if somebody else triggers them in us. They are hidden, but active, just under the surface waiting for someone to look at us wrong, or not invite us to something and without warning…. BOOM! I hear the Lord saying, “I WANT TO DISARM BOMBS IN THIS SEASON. WHERE I AM TAKING YOU MY WARRIORS IN THE FUTURE YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE TAKEN OUT BY BOMBS WITHIN YOUR OWN LAND!! ALLOW ME TO SEARCH YOUR MIND, WILL, AND EMOTIONS FOR THOSE HIDDEN THINGS THAT MAY EXPLODE FURTHER DOWN THE ROAD. I WANT TO BRING A DEEP HEALING WITH MY LOVE TO THOSE PARTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAUMATIZED BY THE PAST. I DO NOT WANT THE ENEMY TO HAVE ANY TINY BIT OF GROUND IN YOU! I WANT YOU TO BE FREE OF ALL THE AFTER EFFECTS OF ABANDONMENT, INSECURITY, REJECTION, FEAR, PRIDE, ETC. I AM BUILDING AN ARMY THAT IS UNOFFENDABLE! IT IS TIME FOR MY CHILDREN TO FULLY BELIEVE THAT (ROMANS 8:31) IF I AM FOR THEM, WHO CAN BE AGAINST THEM?” Pray with me… Father God I trust You for You are a good good Father. I give You full permission to come into every area of my soul and disarm me with Your love. I ask You to reveal the wounds that I may not even be aware of that act as hidden bombs in my life. Bring a deep healing like only You can so I can charge boldly into battle with no hesitation and no reservation about stepping on other’s bombs or the fear of them stepping on mine. I ask You to remove All the emotional bombs which were set into place by the enemy during traumatic and hurtful events my life. I want to be totally free to be who You’ve created me to be in all it’s fierceness and zeal for You! I thank You for what You are doing in the body of Christ. You are making us fearless for You! I prophesy that I will be able to dance upon the exact places those bombs used to be in the name of Jesus. Amen I believe this disarming starts with us and our individual bombs, but it will go from there on to disarming regions and countries. He is raising a holy bomb squad! He desires His warriors to be whole without ANY remaining enemy ground (bombs) in us so we can help others find their bombs and become free. It starts in the secret place where He heals, disarms, and equips us for battle. Ephesians 4:26-27- But don’t let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin! Don’t let anger control you or be fuel for revenge, not for even a day. 27 Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the Devil, an opportunity to manipulate you! (Passion translation) Lori Suiter View Bio lorisuiter.wordpress.com |

La Vida ist spanisch und heißt Das Leben. In der Bibel in Johannes 14,19 steht "Jesus Christus sagt: Ich lebe und ihr sollt auch leben!" Das wahre Leben ist ER, und wir können mit IHM und durch IHN erfahren und wirklich erleben wie das funktioniert... Dieser Blog gibt u.a.meine Erfahrungen, mein Erleben und mein Hören von IHM dazu auf diesem Weg weiter; dies auch durch andere Autoren. Mein Wunsch ist es, anderen damit zu helfen und gleichzeitig zum Weiterdenken und Hören von IHM zu motivieren!
Sonntag, 19. November 2017
We have to be free... let the Lord works in us! A very recommendation!
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