
Samstag, 24. März 2018

Understandings for 2018

We can expect 2018 to a year like no other to date, God has shared with me that it will be as Charles Dickens described, “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” While evil will continue to wax worst, the Lord has shared with me many encouraging things as it relates to His people. God is going to advance His purposes through His people in awesome and unique ways. In this article, I will list some things you can expect for 2018.
  1. God is releasing a lot of new spiritual gifts in 2018. There will be new expressions of 1 Corinthians 12.
During the late 1980s and 1990s when Rodney Howard Brown’s laughing movement broke out, many people sneered and jeered, saying that it was not of God. Some even called these manifestations demonic. Most people later came to believe that these manifestations of laughter were of God – primarily because of the fruit that was born out of these manifestations. There were many documented miracles. People who fell down to the ground in a fit of laughter got up healed of cancer, HIV, blood disorders and a host of physical and psychological maladies. Those who misjudged this movement of God did so because they had never seen it before. We must be very careful that when God begins to move in these peculiar manifestations we do not try to judge them by the flesh, but by His Holy Spirit.
  1. This is the year of redemption. Anything that Satan has stolen from you God wants you to reclaim.
If you have had things stolen from you, this will be the year that God is giving you the ability to get them back.
  1. Finances will be released into people’s hands like never before. However, God says this is just a pretest of what is to come.
Those people who properly handle their talents and invest them properly will be financially set up for the years to come. Those who do not handle this blessing properly will struggle in the years to come. These finances are not to use up but rather to be invested for the years to come
  1. This is a 91 season. Psalm 91 may be used as a prayer tool to thwart evil.
Praying Psalm 91 will break the power of evil and create for you a canopy of protection for you and your family.
  1. Starting this year, the Prophet’s office will be more pronounced. And prophets of other ethnicities – Black, African, Indian, Mexican , and Asian descent will be pushed to the forefront.
  2. There will be an increase in prophecy, Prophets, and personal prophecy.
It is very important that the Body of Christ properly understands the ministry of the Prophet and personal prophecy. It is very important that the Body of Christ properly understands the ministry of the Prophet and personal prophecy.
This is so critical because proper understanding brings properly manifestation. An example of this is with Jesus. Because His home folks did not adequately perceive who Jesus was, they failed to receive the blessing of His anointing. The scripture states in Proverbs 23:7:
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…
This scripture means that whatever we expect from God is typically what we receive. That’s why Jesus told the woman with the issue of blood “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”
The woman with the issue of blood had heard of all the good things Jesus had been doing and had already premeditated her blessing. She said to herself before meeting Jesus, “If I can only touch the hem of His garment I will be made well. The woman had come expecting to receive her healing and she had visualized it happening before it happened.
Because there will be a pronounced emphasis on Prophets and personal prophecy in this season, bad doctrines and teachings will also resurface.
In my next article, I will discuss various doctrines purported by Satan that have prevented prophetic ministry from advancing. I will also give steps on how to overcome these wrong beliefs so that God’s purposes may be advanced in the earth.
Kyle T. Miller
Prophet Kyle
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